
Wouldn’t it be easier to keep track of all that text and handwriting if all this were handled digitally?

Now playing

Yes, people do this. It is brutal. I do a lot of hiking in steep hill country. It’s amazing how much differences even a few degrees of incline make.

Never mind the depressing and bleak ending. That was expected and to be honest didn’t bother me. It also is rather in line with the source material.

Karellen does go on about this in the third episode.

When I’m on vacation I can easily read a novel every day or two. It all comes down to the things mentioned in the article. No distractions and not falling asleep. Pool chairs in the shade are perfect. They’re just not quite comfortable enough to easily fall asleep in, and you’re not ensconced “safely” in your room.

It’s a film you and your friends will be quoting late at night for years to come.

Nobody in Europe would ever fasten an American license plate to their car in an attempt to seem cooler.

ISS is pressurized close to ISA sea level standard. Onboard is 1013.5hPa.

Download speeds didn’t come close to the 70 Mbps Gogo advertised. (I later learned that the company had capped download speeds at 25 Mbps, the government’s official minimum for broadband.) The uploads speeds struggled to hit 1 Mbps. That ruined my phone call, but it didn’t necessarily ruin the test.

I still prefer an analog speedometer and tach. I do not like excess back-lit screens in my face, especially during night driving.

Or Jeff Daniels...

One can only hope.

“No brainer”. Well played...

Bloom County, which was a rather marvelous mix of political satire, science fiction inspired dorkiness, and a penguin.

Agreed. While the vacuum thing does some good, I’ve found that the most effective solution is to pop the cork back on (or screw the screwcap back on) and put the bottle in the fridge regardless of red or white. It will last 2-4 days like that.

I think you may be missing the point of Abrams’s comment. The strength of the backstory in the original trilogy was how it was a fully realized universe that didn’t have to explicitly explain everything about how it came to be. The same way you can visit a foreign country and be awed and amazed without knowing every