
The Fifth Imperium site is not affiliated with Baen Books. However they do have permission to host the ISO files for CDs that used to come with Baen hardbacks.

He started the jet up, taxied to one of Marine Corps Air Station El Toro’s runways—which was unlit at the time—and pushed the throttles forward.

I have never understood why people say this. Airbus and Boeing both make fine airliners. Happy to get on board either.

Inlet guide vanes, which are a type of stator vanes.

Whoops. Forgot to look at the time stamp. :O

Not nearly the worst, but two quirky countries (ok, HK is not really a country but for licensing purposes it might as well be).

My guess is that the Singapore government is not so subtly encouraging people not to buy cars

Given the stiffness of the space suit, I don’t know that it would actually be in the way that much. But I may be wrong.

The grief-stricken Liam Neeson calls up Emma Thompson, who I guess is just some woman he knows (relationship NEVER EXPLAINED), to talk about how sad he is.

It’s not an “extra” APU. There’s just one.

APUs produce power through a generator and on some aircraft also bleed air. Typically large airliners will have an APU for both power and bleed air generation. The bleed air is used to start the engines.

I don’t know if you mean “Le Mons” ironically or if you you genuinely spelled it wrong. ;)

It’s “tartare”.

That depends on where you live. In HK over 90% of trips are made with public transport. Hardly just for the poor. Public transport is clean, efficient, affordable and safe. I’d rather take it than a car any day.

Nor bakelite mike booms...

Swords have their place. Bows and crossbows are great, but they are not without disadvantages.

No. The horizontal taiplane is pushing the tail down in flight. If it went missing, the plane would nose down.

Simple. If the tails breaks away, the rear will drop (due to the horizontal stabilizer not present to hold the rear up.) The plane will nose upward. The air speed will then get traded for attitude for a few seconds until the air speed drops below stall.

The coronation is a ceremony to mark the occasion, show off to new monarch to the public and have the church come in and bless the reign. The coronation is not when the monarch becomes monarch. Hereditary monarchs accede to the title the moment when their predecessor dies. “The King is dead. Long live the King.”