
That depends on the wider structure. Where did the (assumed) Principality of Alderaan fit into a wider monarchical structure? Was there a vassalage structure upwards to a King or directly to the Emperor?

Is it wrong that I think her giggle and smile are adorable?

There are several possibilities regarding the title. Just to name a few:

You are underestimating the difficulty of this stunt. The jetpack guys were dropped from a helicopter. The A380 was flying very slow and within a confined area. Not quite the same as loitering in the terminal area hoping for a lucky encounter.

No worries. Happens to the best of us. ;)

You don’t have to imagine. Just go to and price out a first class ticket. ;)

The whole stunt was carefully planned. The plane wasn’t carrying passengers.

It’s not like the jetpack guys just rocked up to the plane on a whim. The entire event was carefully planned and executed. The A380 only had flight crew and some cameramen.

It is technically formation flying. Happens every day around the world. If you file a flight plan for the formation and get it approved by the authorities you’re good to go.

It doesn’t need to be that cold. Ice can occur up to an ambient temperature about +15C in visible moisture due to aerodynamic effects. On the other end of the scale, under -40C you won’t get icing.

I have completely mastered the delicate art of explaining to users that their computer problem was caused by porn, without ever actually saying that the problem was caused by porn or implying that the user has been accessing porn at work. They see the truth in my eyes, I see the recognition in theirs, and the civil

Most of the C-141 Starlifter fleet was stretched similarly.

The space station isn’t all about people: it takes a lot of computer power to everything operating smoothly. That’s split between space and ground: around 1.8 million lines of flight software code are run by 52 computers on the space station, with another 3.3 million lines of software code on ground support computers.

This looks like a mobile aircraft engine test rig. They still exist today. Saw one just a couple of months ago at the airport where I was flying.


I disagree. There are plenty of people who are healthy in their 80s. I know some of them. If you exercise and eat reasonably well your chances of being one of those people increase greatly.

This is true. However there is a value to moderation when it comes to red meat and alcohol. It’s no a binary thing.

Well played. ;)

Would this be a good time to point out that Vikings did not have horns on their helmets? The horns were a 19th century retcon.