
I'll copy from my comment above.

Left seaters fly with the left and right seaters with the right, regardless of yoke or stick. Most pilots learn to fly with the left from day one of flight school. The "center hand" is for the throttle(s). In a Boeing you certainly at times have both hands on the yoke, but in the stage of flying that requires the most

I'm not Paul but I'll field this one. Triplets are problematic for several reasons, all of which are exacerbated the larger the aircraft. It is not so much of an issue in a bizjet, but nowadays forget it in an airliner.

YouTube comments cause cancer in lab rats. It is known.

All hail Kinja!

I get that, but I don't think sidesticks are a "fad". They're a a logical way to control FBW airplanes.

Fair dinkum. Having said that, the Cessna TTX has a sidestick, but I'll grant you (just) that this came from an acquired company.

"New fad"? The A320 entered service three decades ago.

It's not a French thing. Sidesticks are the logical way to control a FBW aircraft. Compared to yokes, they are lightweight and don't take up a lot of space. There is no need for the two-handed leverage of a yoke since the aircraft is not being muscled about.

That wasn't my point. My point was that there is a difference between initial design, testing and lead up to series production, and the assembly of a series aircraft. The former took 7 years (in this case), while final assembly of an individual A350 is probably more in the range of a month or two.

I think the confusion arises due to "7 years of planning to make one", seeming to imply that it takes that long to make one of them.

Thanks for clarifying. I'm not really up on the actual regs. :)

It takes around 4,000 really smart engineers over 7 years of planning to make one of those flying tubes with countless experts testing and re-testing each individual part

As I understand that algorithm, your comments become ungreyed when they have been starred enough, or replied to by an ungrey. You become permanently ungrey when this has happened enough times.

And to think that 10 Things I Hate About Youis one of my favourite movies ever...

Fair point on the eugenics. Didn't think of that angle.

I think you might have something on the intimacy.

So the "H" is a TIE Fighter?

Perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention due to the oh-so-gripping nature of the show. ;)

Fair enough that he initially liberated himself, but he certainly wouldn't have gotten out without Samantha actively helping.