
Indeed. I will say, though, that I loved that moment. It took me completely by surprise.

Seems like a worthwhile use of resources if you ask me.


While I do like the article, I'm going to deduct points for the Upworthy style clickbait headline.

Sounds fine for 43 year old me. Going on the list.

Fair dinkum. I stand corrected (and slightly embarassed).

That won't work. The article specifically states that there is around one atmosphere of pressure at that altitude.

Your resort overlooking Saturn's rings would be much better off on one of the moons.

If you like Stirling, take a look at some of there of his earlier books as well. In my opinion they are far superior to his later works. Not as full of never-ending descriptions. The Lords of Creation couplet seems to be an throwback to that earlier style.


Well put.

4) Boundary by Flint & Spoor. I didn't expect much. I mean, just look at that completely ridiculous pulpy cover. Thank goodness you shouldn't judge a book by its cover and so on... Man, did I totally get into the story, the characters and the old-school space adventure. I think I've read this book three or four times.

That is not necessarily a bad thing, Ms. Misra.

AFAIK it was self-published, yes.

This one has been on my list. for a while. Thanks for the recommendation.

Red Moon. Exception that proves the self-published rule.

'tis teh awesome... IMHO the only military alternate history that is of similar caliber is the Drake & Stirling series "The General".

1) Red Thunder by John Varley. Picked it up on a whim, amazingly never having heard of Varley. Mostly I thought the cover was a bit silly and uninformative. I was blown away by the writing and the sheer joy it gave me. Since then I've read everything Varley has written and have very rarely even been slightly

Indeed. And don't get me wrong, I'm fine with "artistes". I just don't like artistes who get off on dissing stuff they see as culturally inferior. My childhood Sweden was full enough of such buffoons on TV. "TV will not survive and people will want to go to the theatre because blablabullshit..."