
This is where smartphones help.

Of course, whether or not Warren’s claim is legitimate has nothing to do with whether or not using the term “Pocahontas” as an insult is racist.

My former co-worker, white single mother had a story of her anti-white discrimintion, but it was from a worker that was also white and presumibly racist or prejudice too.

It’s most likely not getting a job and just assuming that, whether they had to fill out a racial documentation section or not, it means a minority must’ve stolen it from them.

  1. Those who believe there is anti-white discrimination and say they have personally experienced it.

The waffles, however, were the finest frozen ones that could be purchased in bulk at Costco.

I’m really pleased you warm your cream before adding it to your cooked potatoes but as a chef, is there any way I can try to convince you not to make mashed potatoes in a stand mixer?

Obviously mashed potato prep can be one of those deeply personal things so if that’s the way your ancestors have done it forever, keep

I wouldn’t mind if Clark Duke showed up for a cameo (having done a Hot Tub with Adam & Craig AND GrEEk with Amber)

The best thing about the “Papyrus” trailer: they used comic sans for the logo.

White woman checking in with another white woman (at least you’ve implied you are white or something else besides black), the type of misogyny we experience is different than those of WOC (and if you’re a WOC it’s different than a black woman). It is entrenched with other contributing factors besides being a woman.

I get it, I do, who among us has not gotten their liquor on an cozied up to anthropomorphic herpes? I mean, I remember when I was young and tongue kissed David Duke at the Tony Awards—I can totally see how it happens. My Grandfather used to tell of getting felt up by Juan Peron in the grotto of the Playboy Mansion.

The great thing about Last Week Tonight is that it doesn’t always stick with the predictable topics. Anyone can talk about Trump stuff but there’s only so much material to work with. The recent feature about Sinclar acquiring Tribune was especially eye-opening. If the whole thing about laws regarding what Muslim women

Whites live for passive aggressiveness. They get their “self worth” only from bringing others’ down.

That is quintessential white trouble-making, like that one asshole who makes every effort to use the word “niggardly” and is shocked when people react badly. Or the idiot who sports a swastika but swears she’s trying to reclaim it and goes on about its’ pre-Nazi origins. It’s that insidious “plausible deniability”

To the Snopesmobile!

I have a degree in history. It required zero viewings of those statues. The history of the civil war can be remembered in books and museums. It does not require placing the leaders of rebellion on literal pedestals.

Stop being scared of everyone on the planet. Grow up. Hemlock. Educate yourself. Don’t equate equal rights with the loss of yours. Be better people. Actually listen to what Jesus said and preached (not American Jesus. He seems like an asshole). Therapy, medication, and sunshine. Realize your kids are learning from

This one was put up in 1924 by Daughters of the Confederacy. So, my point remains. THIS is America 2017. Not the garbage people.

THIS! My in-laws are crazed Trump-supporters, but ALL FIVE of their offspring are huge liberals. The fact that all five saw past their parents’ racist and fascist bullshit is a testament to the ability of critical thinking to overcome the politics you were raised with.