An increase of just two hundred thousand fans would also add about twenty-five million to the team’s coffers.
An increase of just two hundred thousand fans would also add about twenty-five million to the team’s coffers.
Haha! Look at his little mustache!!
Meanwhile, I contemplated suicide today because I don't have the money to get my car repaired right now.
Bill Simmons, Big Swinging Dick
I don't like fat people.
At least Tupac was 1000X better than Biggie, who everyone who started listening to rap in 1994 seems to think is not only decent, but also the best rapper who ever lived. Which pisses me off to no end. I'd put Shock G ahead of Biggie.
There it is: []
I fully expected to roll up to Deadspin and find the diving turtle video from golf today posted. You're slipping Deadspin.
Here's to hoping the sitcom based on Cowherd's life has to be hastily re-written into a prison drama.
The people who side with the owners are the same people who listen to Cowherd's show. Angry white men whose college girlfriends cheated on them with guys from the football team and now hate all athletes.
In your zombie survival plan, do you anticipate the zombies stumbling around, old-school "Night of the Living Dead"-style? Or are they coming after your ass "28 Days Later"-style?
Norelco's razors are certainly fine products. If you have the means I highly recommend picking one up.
Strangely, all I want to do now is eat an entire box of stuffing. Thanks.
I hope you didn't eat the whole box, unprepared, then follow it up with a steaming hot bowl of chicken soup. Because that would be bad.
Are people getting disciplined for talking shit about those Norelco ads?
Phenomenal work BTW. +1
Did you just redact "I thought this was supposed to be anonymous"?
Redman - Time 4 Sum Aksion