
I haven't seen the old "press my upper arms into my hands to make it look like I have biceps" pose rocked so effectively since my junior high football team photo.

I do love ESPN3. In one of those silent moments during a Big 10 game earlier this year, you could clearly hear Pam Ward putting a dip in.

We grabbed it with tweezers and a pair of pliers and couldn't get it.

I asked Mike Florio

You thought this was bad?

Lost in all of this is how bad Zak DeOssie got fucking cleaned on that play.

It's like comparing oranges to grapefruit.

I'm still a bit unclear on Oak's position on bullshit.

Monroe arrived at the exact right time, just as media was proliferating (so everyone in the world knew who she was) but before porno movies and the internet served to expand the collective spank bank beyond infinity.

@Tommy Craggs: OK, thank you. Sorry, I get fired up about this issue.

@Phintastic: You're right. I mean, all these guys are right. It's just that I feel that guys like Cowherd are the entire reason there's sports bloggers. It's to refute the giant assholes who are supported by giant media companies, who get up on their giant platforms every single day, and spew fucking poison into

@DJ_Mbengmeplease: That's a very good point. And I know Deadspin hates him. We all do. But it seemed like Deadspin needed a respected internet presence to go after him first, before they would do so. And Steinberg's column on stated all the points that makes me furious. He's assuming that if he disses Cowherd in

@Phintastic: He does that kind of shit all the time and gets away with it. Hating him is personal to me because of his Sean Taylor bullshit. That's when he crossed the line from being a harmless idiot to a fucking asshole. That kind of thing is the most egregious offense to the spirit of sports journalism

@gulag: So true. Just reading that made me want to stab myself in the face with a fondue fork. And he fucking taunts you too, always saying shit like "you won't call because you know I'm right. You do." And then he continues on with his moronic shit about how athletes without father figures are failures or some

What I don't get about these critiques is that I would never know who the fuck Gregg Easterbrook is without Deadspin. I read everyday, and I've never come across him. If anything, you're making him more notable.

@FavreFAIL: There are apparently better pieces of ace than that Veronica Vaughn.

@bevraj of choice: The worst is that some fucking concrete-brained ESPN exec is chuckling himself to sleep, thinking "hoo boy, he's really got 'em talking! Good for Colin!"

@bevraj of choice: I have friends who listen to him, who are decent and intelligent people, and I can't get my mind around it. Every word the man says incites me to riot.

@Cyrus_the_virus: Yes, but he's pretty fucking old though isn't he? We will have Cowherd in our lives daily for another 30 years at least.