
This is to clever by half, if you lived in a western country you were protected by these weapons. That said we did have some crazy plans but at least we were on the side of democracy and freedom.

Just want to make it clear to everyone that this is a STUDY, not the actual SIOP, and therefore a proposed, not actual target list.

My grandfather was involved in this plan during the Cold War. His involvement (supervising and designing nuclear/missile facilities in Europe and the Middle East) was declassified partially shortly before his death recently. It was fascinating to hear his stories about Soviets trying to kidnap him, how my dad still

Wait a minute! This produce is not hand-picked at the moment of peak freshness and then triple-washed so that I may enjoy them in my artisanal salad creations? This is bullshit! Who do I call to vent my bearded outrage?

Now playing

These are all just utterly fascinating to me. I’ve been around farm equipment since I was a tiny tot. I have friends who I tell about my experiences as a child on the farm and they are floored and think it would have been terrifying. Shuffling sickle-headers, moving belts, open bladed tree saws, crawling up and down

Now playing

Somewhat related to the tree-harvester, but much more horrifying, is the excavator mulcher. I saw one of these mangy bastards clearing a woodlot, and it could straight-up eat a 15-foot pine tree in less time than it takes to read this paragraph. Just unbelievable, and rather queasy-making to watch it. *shudders*

Just wait until they use this tech for Riot Control.

Well played, normally boring hotel newspaper. Well played.

In my experience, a woman who knows what she is doing and treats others with respect commands respect.


mine was pretty sprightly, until i took it apart to try and figure out how it worked. :(

Pop wasn’t very mechanically minded.

My family didn’t throw expensive toys at us for Christmas, so mostly I made my own out of wood, cardboard, imagination... So I had em all! As well as the best Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, U.F.O etc...

Around 1992, 11-year-old me and my cousin’s friend were helping my cousin’s family change residences. In an old toy box in the basement, we found all kinds of donated toys, and he and I were OVER THE MOON THRILLED to find some old Star Wars action figures. We were geeks, and my cousin wasn’t, so we felt entitled to

I had an 18” Darth Vader, complete with light saber and a real polyester removable flowing cape.

“It’s black, it’s white. Yeah, yeah yeah!”

Calling someone a dumbass based on visual preference? Please do us all a favor and kill yourself. You clearly have nothing valuable to add to is species.

It’s not possible that someone could have an actual reason for preferring the design of the old one? For instance, the fact that the new one looks like a handlebar mustache?

Agreed. The new one looks a version Apple would design. The old one looks like a credible functioning helmet that would serve as a combat tool. The new one looks like a mask.

I’m leaning towards the original. There should be a poll counter on this article somewhere.