

I hope you are right about this only being a temporary lack of effectiveness. The backward leaps we are taking as a country when we need to be making forward strides are mind-boggingly short-sighted and ignorant.

In fact, just don’t let other people drive your car. Not even once.

Even if you are stuck in stop and go traffic and are just barely inching along, always- always-always come to a full and complete stop before reaching down to pick up that fallen cassette tape off the floor.

Stop pretending like there is an infinite supply of land. There isnt!

Or, bike + bus to work.

At the risk of getting flamed, this isn’t really a bad approach if the goal is to reduce automobile traffic. In dense areas where adding lanes is neither possible or preferred, making it easier for folks to get around on bikes allows for some of those car trips to be substituted with bike trips, or having drivers

*cough* *cough* “I kno-” *cough* “I know, ri-” *cough* *cough* *COUGH* “-right?” *cough-cough-haaARRRCGH*

“Is $10,000 normal these days for a first car?” - Yeah, same thought here. I’m in my mid-thirties and I have a hard time justifying anything more than $10k as a DD for myself, and I have a decent job too. 

How did they get those Chevys inside the Death Star?

Not a percentage of the actual electorate voter turnout was indeed low.

Thanks, that’s the plan. My wife and a few of her friends are starting to make regular calls too.

Required Reading for Resisting:

“Resistance is futile. We are all well and truly fucked.”

Politically-active swing-stater here, frequently calling my Rep and Senators ! I may not be in the majority but I’m gonna speak up anyway.

How in the world is this *NOT* car news?! I’m so sorry people want to dig their heads in the sand and avoid thinking about anything political for more than 5 seconds, but auto industry news does not exist on some island, in a vacuum from our political situation. The industry’s fate has been connected to legislation

“Twitler” OMG, that’s perfect.

Sorry, I meant data re: the other assertions, like that the “climate hasn’t actually changed”. This is not obvious to me at all, considering that the last three years have been the hottest on record, since we have been keeping records. No, we haven’t had an ice age, and I’m not sure exactly what is intended by

Links to back this up?

I would like to know exactly how rural farmers are going to make a living by NOT selling food to people.