Yeah, the Eyesight in particular is what I was thinking of. Interesting.
Yeah, the Eyesight in particular is what I was thinking of. Interesting.
It’s possible that this could just reflect “ideal world” survey responses ng an ideal world, and have nothing to do with reality.
What is likely to be a solid EV entry judging by the Volt’s record, is probably going to be sabotaged by a combination of GM-rollout bungling and dealership disinterest. A self-fulfilling prophecy of high-priced, low initial orders by dealerships who have no real interest in selling them over more service-heavy ICE…
Gonna throw this out there:
Neutral: Is Ford On The Money Here?
As I’m riding by...“What, you’re surprised someone *else* MIGHT want to use a public trail!?”
I disagree. If no one ever buys EVs or hybrids or something that minimizes the use of fossil fuels, then all we’ll have to choose from are gas-guzzlers. There would be no demand for “green” vehicles, therefore they would not be manufactured, and people who have to drive would be limited in their choices to only…
I’m imagining an alternate reality where the EV1 wasn’t killed, but got moved to Saturn and that brand became Chevy’s EV-focused line. Even the name, “Saturn”, just sounds right for an EV brand...
Gotta agree with you and the other Pro-Bolt comments on this topic. Personally, I do not necessarily see how much more practical the Model 3 is compared to the Bolt. Further, I do not necessarily trust Tesla to build a reliable vehicle under the time and financial pressures they currently face to live up to their…
“That is the angry middle class we have,” he said. “The guys who can’t come out of high school anymore and get a good job and have a cabin Up North. They have to have two jobs, their wife has to work; they have to borrow a bunch of money to send their kids to college.”
Seriously. I love the F-ing generalizations that these people make.
Great article. I’m bookmarking this post.
For me, the “Leaving Spacedock” tracks from both ST:TMP and STII:TWOK are tied for greatness. Different composers, but each of them really captured something transcendent with their music.
Excellent write-up, David! Top notch.
Any guesses as to why the registry # is so low? NCC-1031
That sticker is hilarious and there are probably only a handful of people out there who would understand this reference.
That’s not my argument. You’re being dishonest by completely ignoring life cycle costs of virtually everything else and treating EVs as some kind of singularly destructive thing as if you are actually concerned about the environment or the condition of foreign mining practices.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. How exactly do they figure this?
“Lithium is getting scarce.”
This really is not a fair point in any way. If we are going to hold mining of metals and minerals as a strike against EVs, then we not only need to hold that against conventional ICEs as well, but against anything that contains such metals, such as smartphones.