Well, that's mean treatment you are delivering to someone you don't know. Why do you perpetuate that?
Well, that's mean treatment you are delivering to someone you don't know. Why do you perpetuate that?
Patricia Hernandez is the undisputed queen of logical fallacies.
No. You missed my point ENTIRELY. Racism in this country, the Holocaust, Japanese internment, the genocide of Native Americans . . . . all disgusting. My whole point was that the "picture menu" of the cause was pandering. It was pandering because no one of any color is made to stand in a separate line in this country…
Don't take this the wrong way, but you are a fucking idiot and a terrible journalist.
Why should he have to apologize for something he didn't do? He's trying to find some middle ground there, but he doesn't -have- to do that at all. I like Patricia's work, in general, but I think this article misses the mark. I'm a staunch feminist and I believe strongly in consent (to the point where I wouldn't even…
The fact that you don't even remotely consider that he might not actually have done something wrong is appalling. Your entire post is written with the strong assumption that one way or the other he did something wrong and should apologize for it; it's incredibly close minded and it's hard to believe you wrote this.
no . . . . but there lies the difference between pandering and poignant.
What does it matter what the percentages are? We know that false rape claims are made. We also as a society believe in the concept of presumption of innocence. Why should those accused of rape not get the same treatment (especially when no charges have ever been filed and no evidence ever presented)?
Feminists won't be satisfied until college students routinely exchange waivers before making out.
Angry about what? There's nothing to be angry about, but it's insulting to everyone's intelligence to claim that photo wasn't staged.
This statement makes absolutely no sense.
They fucked and had sex, but after the guy became rich and famous she went to accuse him of rape so he would pay up money.
Because Third Wave Feminism has completely destroyed the definition of rape. Had sex that you regret? Thats Rape. Had sex but afraid someone would judge you for it? Rape. Don't like someone and want to destroy their life? Rape. Look at a woman wrong? Rape. Exist as a male? Rape.
This also makes it a thousand times…
You must have pretty exciting sex.
Only partway through, but I don't see how his initial post was bad? I mean, he says he didn't rape her, provides his side of the story, and that's that.
Poignant? Not really. More like "setup photo opp". You want poignant, I'll show you little kids down in Texas being used as pawns by the Obama regime.
The Most
PoignantClearly Staged Photo of Michelle Obama You've Ever Seen
Would have been more "poignant" if Nancy Pelosi was on the left.
Pandering, not poignant, comes to mind. We all know that our country treated African Americans (and other races) very badly in the past. Did anyone really need to see the picture menu of the African American woman and the white woman standing below their respective signs? Really?
Also known as the only Bioshock I've ever played. Guess they're doing something right.