Star Butterfly

Ha! Yeah, I never got the apology, but I'm glad I didn't. What is the point? Why not do it when it counted?

I did that to someone who made my high school years hell and it was awesome. I see why it's your favorite.

I'm more of a carne asada fries person, but to each their own and I'm glad she's real about her food addictions. I assume most celebrities would pull a "Gwyneth" and say they just LOVE LOVE LOVE kale chips. (I like kale chips but I hope you know what I am getting at.)

I crushed because his character was a sarcastic little asshole, just like me.

I tried their MmmmHops beer they sell. It's not that bad actually.

I'm only 26 and I'm jealous all of you got to enjoy Duran Duran when they were fresh.

Mmmm even better. Pour those trans fats all over me as I inhale Blast-o-butter. Yum.

I'm perfectly happy with Blast-O-Butter microwave crap! But thank you, I might just buy this for someone else! :)

Also, I admit... I'm more of a fryaholic than a popcorn addict. Fries come first. Fries before guys.

I'm banned from cooking popcorn on the stove. For reasons.

The only coconut oil I have is used by my husband to slather on his nasty man body. This sounds good but my coconut oil is full of hairs! Waaaah! >:(

Since all microwave popcorns are bound to give you cancer and I'm a popcorn addict, I just go for the cheapest and most fake-butteriest kind on the market. I recommend Blast-O-Butter brand. It tastes as fake as the movie theater popcorn and is great for Internet fights! Yum!

I'll check it out! PSBs are amazing! Another band that sounds just as good live is/was System of a Down.

It was Rolling Stones? Were you there and can verify his story? :D

I just saw Pet Shop Boys in October! And I was probably the youngest one there at age 26 to boot because I got stares. I'm a serious PSB fan and my husband is still getting brownie points for that concert.

my husband's coworker went to a concert in the late 70's. The opening act was this weird looking guy in a velvety trench coat that was so bad he was booed off stage. It turned out to be Prince.

I cried when Cam and redhead (can't think of the character's name) didn't get to adopt another baby on Modern Family. I cried at this. ABC family is doing an excellent job at tackling these issues and putting them in our faces. I had to watch Last Comic Standing a couple times just to get happy, but then Monroe Martin

I give child me a hard time. I'm still punishing her for my current avatar and name.

It's very Lisa Frank. The child in me is loving it. The adult in me realizes how stupid child me was.