Starbury Sneetch

Music DUAN

While "mixed nuts" sounds vaguely homoerotic, "nut salad" leaves no doubt.

That's the Rube Goldberg of comments. OH SNAP!

Space dirt meets or exceeds government tests for viscosity even when it's time for a wash.

They haven't gotten all the footage back from Ken Burns yet.

They haven't gotten all the footage back from Ken Burns yet.

They're all great, but Custom Bike is amazing. Is it amazing? I'm not sure. That may have been hyperbole. It's really good. And it should have won.

it's pretty obvious.

Oh joy. I love nonsense. It's easily my sixth or seventh favorite sense. I may even like it more than smell.

You cant' buy the whole university, but the athletic department is always for sale. Become a high-powered booster, a very good AAU coach or super sleazy agent. You could also ask the former AD for USC how much he charged so you can get a good baseline to begin negotiations. And if you can provide a service to the

They'd probably just talk about Tim Tebow and Cole Hamels.

Now playing

I don't know the answer, but it's funnier this way.

I said you were reverse trolling. You sort of defended an android product by comparing it to your preferred apple product. And I was joking. You're OK.

I think that was the rare, preemptive reverse troll.

Are you excited for the 3D? Or is it just something that comes with the phone you want?

I don't think 3D is a gimmick. It's just a ways off from being good enough for home and phone. I don't want 3d on my phone. There's only so much burden you can put on a cell phone and i'd prefer it's limited resources not be wasted on a feature I would never use.

Have you seen homemade porn? YUCK! who wants backne in 3D? Lets leave 3D to the pros.

I agree. It's completely unrealistic, but I'd like not only universal adoption of micro-usb (or something) but also a standard location for it on all phones. it will never happen.

I think they'll just make 30pin connector to micro usb adapters more readily available. Apple makes $ from 3rd party accessory makers by licensing the dock connector. Whether they add a micro-usb or provide adapters, the dock connector isn't going away.