Starbury Sneetch

That's the first thing I thought too. Touch Wiz is not a selling point. I'm already fairly (and unfairly) anti-samsung due to previous quality issues I've experienced and the inability to update with the rest of the world, but I was intrigued. That is until it boasted about being the first to ruin Honeycomb by putting

He's not occupying the position professionally, he just got winded, sat down in the counsel's chair and refused to get up.

Somewhere behind a Sizzler, Maurice Clarett whistling his way past a dumpster, found the pride and courage to avoid looking inside.

Kids these days are so Fuld of themselves, court-storming is just the tip of the Greenberg.

place the atomic app where you'd keep the safari app then touch the atomic app instead of safari and there ya go.

That's nothing. There's a Chris Bosh impersonator in Miami that charges $14 mil.

you, sir or ma'am, deserve you own poorly written sitcom.

it does say"Fuck you, I won't follow Obama's nutrition guidelines!"

Well, the subliminal messages worked. I have no idea what it is, but I want it.

Me too, way too many crime caper. my second thought (I had a normal human thought about child safety first then quickly ushered it out of my mind) was this was a set up. The mother used the baby so she and her accomplices could scope out the joint and test security. They also infiltrated the Vault repair company so

why didn't the new MBP get a robot arm with a velvet glove to gently stroke your cheek and remind you how special you are?

Their other ideas:, for a-holes that like to row., for people that look like they may or may not have Bell's Palsy., it just redirects you to facebook.

@AJ: I see how some people would enjoy video chat (besides the xrated types), like people separated from their family due to deployment and such, but it's a niche.

@Starbury Sneetch: I imagine this was the directive. "Make the readers feel like this".

We Are All Aron Ralston Part XXI

@Zubieta: There are more than 2 choices. I have never owned an apple computer (mostly due to price vs. specs), but stay away from Dell. I have owned 4 Dells ( they approved my credit, that was all). All shyte. Wait for the Macbook updates and compare them to HP, Lenovo, hell anyone except Dell. Then buy the best one

He's pale, splotchy and finds british women attractive. He's not HIV positive he's Irish.