Starbury Sneetch

@Alex Andrason: Wow, how long have you been waiting for a post, any post, about NCstate? It's one thing to allow/encourage idiocy on good programs, but your school should try to teach these kids because they are not good at basketball.

@wickedcupofjoe: You can pay for your app using your amazon account. It's pretty painless. A few more steps than the app store but worth it.

@DingoJunior: it's been stated, For the time being it is rocking the old gawker layout.

I lived in TX for a few years and I find their rural folk (they're real Williams of the Hill) to be a far superior bunch than the FL type (regular ol' Hill Billies). Jersey Shore has shown every state has their rednecks but the Southeast is the standard. FL is overachieving.

@Agrippa: to be fair, it's mild here in the winter and she left the car running. That way it's not just negligence, it's baby napping bait.

@ThrillHill: Daytona 500 is coming up and the neck needs a fresh coat of red.

@create_faster: Miami, Jax, and Tampa are what you're thinking of. The rest is full of people like this woman. It's a redder shade of neck on a whiter shade of trash.

I listened to the episode. It may or not be the original recipe, which is significantly different than the modern recipe. Didn't they say the original formula was mostly undrinkable? The point is, they keep it a "secret" for marketing. Like KFC's secret 11 herbs and spices. Hell, before this episode I didn't even know

@I Think We're Property: I finally started doing that today. I actually made multiple visits to Gawker sites for the first time since they got debacled. Thank you, America's hat.

@Weakskills: I like that one guy on the episode said it "tastes like RC cola". They edited out the part where he said he prefers Tab.

@MavrixWK: I'm sure you'll read it when it's a tablet only subscription.

@DeltaDAWG: It's amazing we need limited editions of awful-for-you-products just to get the natural version of the shit that'll kill ya instead of the artificial shit that'll kill ya and tastes awful.

@shhhGoToSleep: If you listened to the episode it clearly stated that full load of semen was too strong because modern semen is too flavorful (their words, not mine). It's half a shot of semen from a pineapple juice drinker. that's the secret.

@tedknaz: Even if it was the recipe Coke would deny it.

sorry, my new meds have removed attempts at humor and replaced it with half assed opinions.

Android is now mainstream. They are as ubiquitous in phones as Windows is in PCs. They have to realize some people may just want to try to stand out from the crowd. Android will continue to kick Windokia's behind and I think webOS will give WinMo7 a run for its third place money.

I think Pixar is the main reason the Oscars expanded the nominations for best picture. Wall-E deserved to win in '09 but the old timers didn't want to leave a "real" movie off the list in favor of a cartoon (Benjamin Button was nominated instead? huh?).

Yay, now I can make my website look like the 80's vision of the future.