Starbury Sneetch

@UkraineNotWeak: Oddly enough, he committed the most war crimes of them all. He waterboards with turducken.

Now we know which luxury box we hope the terrorists find

Holy shit. I just realized I haven't been drinking! I better get on it Hopefully my rediscovery of alcohol will help the packers rediscover how to catch the fucking ball.

Sure is a good thing the GB receivers are elite

The steelers have outscored their superbowl opponent 14-0 since the last time the opponent scored

Alright! Halftime. Time to switch over to Pawn Stars and drop the Black-Eyed Peas off at the pool

Packers fans are going to be pissed when favre announces during the half time show that he's un-retiring and starting the second half for the pack.

Dammit. Now Ben has even more to redeem himself for.

@Sheed's Bald Spot: Thank you. I don't feel so bad for hoping that car slipped into gear.

@Armen Tamzarian: Florida. The bag said they were changing the bag design but gave the impression they were sticking around. taco doritos and cheddar jack cheezits are my secret, disgusting addictions

@Sheed's Bald Spot: He puts change in people's expired parking meters so they don't get a ticket. That's a crime.

Cowboys and homoerotica. Troy aikman gets a producer credit for that one

Jay cutler would like to see more leftwich.

can you say "gap integrity" and Roesthlisbergererer in the same sentence?

@Armen Tamzarian: I just bought some the other day. I was not aware they went away. Wonder how old that bag was?

@ScientificMapp: I agree. This guy put football ahead of children. Just look at all the work Adolf did with the youth.

But he doesn't "come" off all that badly.

@fat-leaveher: Any playa know, It's the hoes that needs checkin'