Starbury Sneetch

@lucasway89: I know the pwnapple logo isn't as cool as the apple skull, but the 3G (and old boot rom 3GS) have been untethered via redsn0w almost since release of 4.2. It works great for me.

@parachoid: I wandered over to jalopnik today for the first time in a while. It will be my last, what a disaster. I love giz and deadspin, but I won't return after they make the change. I'll have to learn to like the engadget commenting system. I guess I lose either way

@ps61318: What if it's called "Kids Say The Darnedest Things" ? Has anyone thought of that yet? I might be sitting on a gold mine.

@AcidSpoon is hoping for a second wave: A wifi connection is a wifi connection. Yes the iPhone is capable of that. PDAnet and others allow you to turn your iPhone into a mobile hotspot. If you have a device that connects via wifi it will be able to tether to the iPhone.

@sethicus1:I don't know about the excel/word, don't own a tablet. yet. Itunes only syncs with ios devices, and as long as you're using PDAnet or some such Cydiafied tethering hookemup on the iPhone it won't matter what the tablets os is, it should connect to the wifi hotspot your phone just became.

@seamonkey420: this review isn't The Streak vs. iPad. They even mentioned the Xoom as being what you should wait for. This is a negative review about a specific product. Not an indictment on all android products, or even a review of android. In fact just about every bad review of an android tab has said wait for

@NorthernRoamer: I smoke very occasionally and have never smoked a whole joint at one time. This is like saying everyone that drinks alcohol drinks a whole bottle of wine every time they have a drink. Yes people smoke to get stoned just like people drink to get drunk. You can do both in moderation.

@NorthernRoamer: You don't have to smoke a whole joint every time.

@d1zzle: just replace the Funions with baby carrots.

@Wolfe Macleod: @KamWrex: There are plenty of people, grown up people, that you would never guess smoke it. They use it in moderation like a responsible person would do with anything potentially harmful. The people you know that waste their life getting high are the same kind of people that waste their life getting

her previous redesign only garnered a "see me after class"

@MagicalTrev: As a male human I've made many attempts to throw sharp things and get them to stick in flat surfaces when my parents weren't looking. Knives into trees, mini hatchets what have you. Not as easy as it looks in movies. Even throwing a screw driver and getting it to consistently stick in the ground isn't as

@horseflesh: he just realized he forgot the thread

@dccorona: I'm sure there are lots of people that don't watch south park. Doesn't mean I can't hope for the overthrow of the corrupt, oppressive Lego Land regime imposing Interlocking law on it's subjects.

@Bullet_Tooth_Tony: Doesn't that usually end with the last one eating the toast?

This explains China's dominance in men's volleyball.

@Dan: Better yet, the war on Lego Land