Starbury Sneetch

@IraeNicole: What she really has to hope never comes out is the time she "experimented" with the Welsh Corgi.

I side with security on this. It's their job to protect us from threats both real and imagined.

@RadiantViper: @Xeno: So is it the opinion of you gamer types (I'm just a tourist) that the kid really did cheat? I appreciate you folks setting me straight.

Maybe they could explain how they arrived at the conclusion he was cheating. I understand the flag, but these things can't be intractable and should allow for the occasions where someone is just that good. I'm going to buy and Xbox just so I can return it in protest. Unless I like it.

To be fair, when his wife asked if he wanted to renew their vows he thought the old ones expired and he was free to negotiate with others.

If they're playing outside in Wisconsin in their skivvies: The Green Bay Glass Cutters.

I'd like to take this time to congratulate the LFL. It is now the longest beer commercial in history

I don't know what this is worth or how it's justified, but I think the only people that forgive these guys are the fans of the team they play for. Even then I think the person is separated from the player. I don't think any rational Steelers fan likes Ben as a human or thinks he's innocent. They just hold their nose

Who hasn't wanted to take a dump in the Dollar General just to see if anyone puts it back on the shelf?

@paheadband10: When is he finally going to address the menace that is the Iron Sheik?

@JohnnyDrinky: I'm fascinated by his proposed solution for fixing the trade deficit. Nookie for cookies.


@snoop-a-loop: Skype the ceremony? At least, maybe, explain to closest people why this is what you want to do (parentals et al.). really though, you don't need excuses. A simple explanation that you did what you wanted should suffice and if they don't understand screw 'em. Except your moms. She may have a hard time,

@JohnnyDrinky: the only political commentary I value is from Fred Durst.

@commander_k: I don't know if it's a headshot, but it's a flick to the groin. This makes it more appealing to new customers comparing their iPhone options.

@MrPistachio: Was that a run down of your recent google searches? HA! I kid, kid. Keep your head up. Those things you mentioned are exactly what's on TV and outside in the real world. Just be careful where you go. Plenty of good out there if you can look past the awful.

@FlameCell: There is nothing wrong with making a profit. The desire to make a profit forces corporations to remake their products to answer public demand (and regulations prevent them from cutting certain corners to acheive these at the expense of our health and the environment's, sorta)we benefit by their desire to