Starbury Sneetch

@rebeldevil: In a democratic society you can, theoretically at least, vote the a-holes out. Corporations are not beholden to us as long as they make a profit and keep the share holders (and politicians they paid off) happy.

@FlameCell: Why is the corporate argument always "do you want the government running this?" no, I also don't want a creepy, profit driven machine in charge either. There is a happy median. That we will never see.

@Kaiser-Machead: The Maldives. They'll be underwater soon and my info will be safe.

@5speed: Jobs may be a sanctimonious ass, and while his asshatted email responses are always reprinted here and elsewhere, he has never said anything as ridiculous as schmidt. Your bias is killing your common sense. Stop blindly hating one company that is only trying to separate you from your money for another company

Irony alert: Welker punished for putting foot in mouth

@Insert Clever Name: Oh I think you had plenty of people on the same page. Unfortunately they were all reading Are You My Mother?

Is the NFL's director of officiating the same guy that directs Spiderman: The Musical?

@G.O.B.: Come on!: You mean you stabbed it, made it fight a dog with a foot fetish then made a movie about it starring Sandra Bullock?

Has anyone mentioned that one of these teams used to employ the leader of a dog fighting ring? I think there was raping and stabbing involved.

@Insert Clever Name: How much must you fucking hate the Ravens. Just think how relevant the Browns would be if that was still your team! (could also have gone with "just imagine how good the Cavs would be if they had Lebron"). sorry. Now that you've rid yourself of Mangina I hope you make a speedy recovery.

@IronMikeGallego: And Belgium does more than make waffles, and no one cares

So the lesson Ben learned from his troubles was simply: don't rush it. If it was meant to be it'll happen. (And you'll know because she stopped crying)

So glad they didn't jump on heap to celebrate. He could've been killed

@Apoc28: to fair, you are basing your opinion on rumors about an item that doesn't exist yet and comparing it to items that aren't released yet. You don't know what options exist yet. You are also comparing next gen tech to Apple's last gen. The only place they lacked competition was tablets and it took almost a year

I literally just tried to take a picture of my black dog before I saw this. 'Course I tried to use the stupid iPhone 3g camera instead of a real camera (or a real phone).

@thetickler: Please don't feed that thing after midnight.

@Dynastius: I think folks misunderstood my point in an effort to jump in and seem knowledgeable. I , at no point stated that I am not impressed by the machine itself. Or the work that went into it. In fact I stated numerous times it's impressive. I am not impressed that it can beat humans at a game it was programmed