Starbury Sneetch

@Swobo: it's answering questions and coming up with the answer based on the information that is stored in it. The questions are being posed by Trabek instead of typo ridden key smashing but it's the same thing. I'm not saying it's not an amazing machine, but why is a storehouse of info being pitted against humans.

@David Hume: That joke is patently inaccurate. Flowers come out of her bundchen.

@Bevraj of Choice: But you can't measure heart. And he's a football player and he loves playing the game of Football.

@FIFA-Thespian-Federation:Rex may be playing checkers while Bill is playing chess, but in chess you only get one king and Rex's constant pleas to be kinged is a sure sign of a great checkers master with many kings.

@Apotheosis: pretty funny. You have been hearted. Unfortunately the people that reply to your posts are not funny. Makes you long for the gawker "audition" thing.

@Darksider1972: Right, but it's still just accessing stored data that a team of technicians programmed into it. I guess it's a leap for the linguistic aspects of computing, but asdfghfhtdrtsgvgbtb b. Sorry, I fell asleep on my keyboard.

Tune in next week for

@Edix: I've said this before, but as soon as the machines become self aware, we have to make them self conscious. It's our only chance.

don't worry, people of Earth. The machines won't turn on us until after they side with us during the coming zombie apocalypse. The undead make awful power sources.

I don't get the reason this is amazing. my shitty laptop answers questions all the time. It's a computer. with a hard drive. So it was programmed to spit out the answers stored in its memory in the form of a question. Am I missing something? I want to be amazed but it's only doing what computers are supposed to do.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Fuck mowing indeed. Someday I will be able to afford to pay someone. Is that one summer why you paved your yard? At a previous rented house the septic system overflowed and it was hidden by the overgrown grass and I stepped in the (butt)mud and my foot got sucked in and it pulled my shoe off. I

@vic06: that is the ugliest Fleshlight ever.

@Curves: We have a septic tank which uses natural bacteria to process human waste then release it into the ground(yick) and the leaching field is typically the greenest, tallest grass and the biggest pain to mow over. Especially since I know I'm mowing poo grass.

@andrew_berge: I used to do the same thing and always ended up reading the results for the string of profanity I typed at the internet for not making my life easier.

@dethcommand: Would you like us to also remove ourselves from your lawn?

@paheadband10: My wife ran the show, but I had veto power. It's ultimately her day (unless you're in NH, MA, CT, IA, VT, or DC, then maybe his). Seriously, have fun. Once again, I'm assuming you're straight male, but she has been planning this for a long time, she's already got an idea, tweak her ideas to add some

@Robot Jerry Rice: I had a four Loko on the way to my parents' house on xmas (festive). I spent the entire time yelling at the squirrels in the yard and trying to build a ramp to jump their golf cart.

@lucasway89: I upgraded to 4.1, downgraded back to 3.1.3, upgraded to 4.2.1, downgraded back to 3.1.3 (jailbreak each time) and just about everything I had added to the status bar on my previous incarnation of 3.1.3 reappeared even though I never added them again. Things like battery % and Make It Mine which allows

@Lassus: Or we've all had problems with AT&T and you've had a different experience.

@kaffenated: I live in Gainesville. Service is great in spots but there are so many dead zones it's crazy. Go up the hill:full bars, down the hill:dropped call. Go under a tree:dropped call. Most cities and highways should get good coverage, step off the beaten path.