Starbury Sneetch

@Canon7D-Fanboy: It didn't happen yet. But just in case, do you accept internet bucks?

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I'll take that bet. especially if you plan on visiting the Giz or Engadget tomorrow. You may want to forget it, but the fanboys and (especially) the haters will not let you.

@zenpoet: Your dog cocks his head to one side when you put the phone to his ear because he fricken told you to say he wasn't home.

"Cats are just smarter than dogs from the point of view of fluid mechanics,"

@Drive-by troll: probably just "early upgrade". They offer early upgrades, but usually at a higher cost than new contracts. If you're close to expiring they will probably work with you. I would talk to Ma Bell first. She's a bitch.

@Phokal: If you cancel the plan it might end the whole "grandfathered" deal. Just call AT&T. You'll be on the phone for hours and talk to 7 different departments, but at least then you'll have an answer that they will deny ever telling you (personal experience). Seriously, call them first.

@rick23: I'm clinging to my old ass 3g for now. Ugh, it's showing it's age but I'm not sure what I want to be saddled with for the next 2 years. I've played with the epic, and while nice it's remarkably similar to iOS and, therefore, not enough to persuade me to not just upgrade to iPhone4 and keep all my apps. WP7 is

@gizzed: I don't think people assume if you're wearing bt headset you're a douche (hell, I wear bt headphones quite often, though they are full on headphones). But the segment of the population that uses them the most flamboyantly and obnoxiously gets associated with it. Douchebags co-op plenty of useful things and

@DancinDatsyuk: Sorry to interrupt your conversation but I pussed out and bought a Wii "for the family" instead of getting an actual gaming console that plays actual, non cartoony games. I have regretted it ever since. But GOLDENEYE IS BACK!!!!!! how did I miss this? I feel so stupid. That game may redeem this fricken

@WestwoodDenizen: I blame it on Octavio K. Plural. The man that invented having more than one thing.

@mricyfire: You named specific places that have coverage. I and others named places that do not. They improved Boston, but the rest of New England is a mixed bag (I'm from there, have made visits and have friends/relatives as sources) . At&t has made efforts to improve Chicago with mixed results. [

@mricyfire: Not everyone lives in or near a large city or alongside a highway. So to clarify your point, the specific spots you go to and the major roads that get you there have excellent coverage so everyone else is nuts? The only major city (which is a huge tourist attraction) in between the points you mention has

Can't wait to hear the stories of how Linda Cohn almost won the '61 KY Derby before being beaten by Carry Back. More interesting? Why this station never fires or replaces the biggest hacks ;Berman, Cohn, token black guy with lazy eye.

@vodkanaut: He was the only one good enough to get the opportunity to fail in multiple arenas and genres. Until Stephen Smiff, that is.

@mricyfire: I'll be your source. I live in the middle of the area you suggest (Gainesville). Sporadic coverage. Trees, clouds, wind, solar flares, roadside assistance flares, everything interferes with coverage. Constantly dropped calls in an area AT&T says has good coverage. My 3rd most used app is the AT&T Mark the

@Moonshadow Kati: exactly, it's an association type of thing. Like Ed Hardy t-shirts (OK, bad example). If you are actually busy it makes sense. If you're just walking down the street and you're wearing one just in case someone calls you, or if your wildly gestating with your arms while talking on one, or hanging out

@DaCapin: The Navy first ran a check on whether any of the passengers were on welfare, then cross referenced it with the DMV to see if any of them drove a Cadillac.

@Moonshadow Kati: Douchebags became linked to these because douchebags ruined them for eveyone. Do you need to walk arounda ll day with this thing in your ear, like you're so busy you don't have time to reach your hand in your pocket? The douchiest thing since the beeper. Using one when needed is cool, but douchebags

Please, no one reproduce the Goatse! I had managed to clear it from my mind and then got goatse rolled on [] NSFW and NSFMH

@Die Fledermaus: Are they from his "Lego recreations" phase? Those are something I hear.