Starbury Sneetch

Geez. Spiderman? More like the Incredible MooseKnuckle.

@m1ndtr1p: or perhaps no good apps were available and if they didn't post anything some random asshat would say it's because of their hatred for android.

I just hope they don't use back-door politics to give every man a facial.

@SprinkLeTimeMexico: I hope most people can separate Chinese people from the Chinese government. At least China's gov't now has the $ to fix things like this. Just hope the people can hang in there long enough (I'm sure they'll make it through, they've dealt with a lot of shit for a very long time).

I live in Gainesville. In a town previously only known for swamps, football, rednecks and jorts, it was only a matter of time before it was discovered as being bat-shit crazy. Here's to Gilliand and Terry Jones, the 2012 Tea Party prez ticket.

@tasteskindasalty: A few of their songs have been slightly above average, but it's like the music on a roller coaster. It helps set the mood, but it's the ride you'll remember.

@Crass_Monkey: My guess is 20.5 Australian records. Which are roughly the size of laser discs. And feature the musical stylings of Yahoo Serious

@Arken: Or Brett Favre?

@Jordan Dunn: Alice, no matter how gangtsa you is, you can't say the "N" word.

@MS the Grey: Good, gravy. I need to smoke a bowl and add this to sleepytime playlist. Hypnotic and soothing (mildly disturbing), awesome.

Auto-tune the toons.

@Copernileo: We can't. If it requires a signature we can't leave it without you signing it. Some carriers have a relationship with the customers and will sign for them but, alas, if it requires a signature and we sign for it and you say you didn't get it, well we are screwed. After we attempt it it's in the hands of

@Odin: Very similar to the USPS in the states (for whom I work until they find a way to contract out my job).Except people here hate going to the offices due to very long lines full of old people who hate the internet.

@InfiniteJustice: I was joking too. See what I did there? It's not funny if you have to explain it, but I will. You said Spanish. I said you're close cuz it's Chinese in Mexico City, Mexico, where they speak Spanish. See? It's really Japanese. In Japan. I countered your joke with a worse one.

@Neopolis: I'm neutral here, I buy from both companies. But you have to be careful when feeding the trolls you don't get bit and turn into one yourself. The amazing new approach to mobile phones, while promising, is pretty similar to android and iOS and is a few years behind. The overgrown iPod touch is experiencing

@InfiniteJustice: You're so close. It's actually in Mexico City's China Town.

Something super creepy about abandoned amusement parks. If you can drain the fun from there, it's only a matter of time before life sucks the fun out of every aspect of our lives and we are left with nothing to look forward to but the cold embrace of death. Saw this thing a few years ago. []