Starbury Sneetch

@whatne1wuddo: I've been told they now only offer a few videos a day before asking you to subscribe. So choose wisely.

@Chris Pierce: @Dogen: and a giant, fully charged hose?

@bombastinator: I prefer to think the pry marks were made by someone frantically trying to free the extinguisher in order to snuff out the inferno engulfing their flat. either way, sad.

I'm holding out for the Nucleon

@Cheney Guevara: But it will involve the police and plenty of prison box.

Stealing is wrong. But why the absurd penalties? It would have been cheaper for her to run over a record company exec resulting in death. Stealing actual, physical items is less of a fine. Why reward a dying industry with such ridiculous payouts and ruin someone's life for stealing a song? A song she could've recorded

@GoldVrod: He can't answer right now, he's currently writing a check to Matt Groening for the use of his copyrighted image.

@jayhawk11: But they do control inventory of their phones and AT&T would switch phones on your plan if you bring a new one in. It wasn't exactly a request I thought would be granted, but it is possible without AT&T's permission. Just to be clear: I have no expectation that this will happen, nor do I think it's even

@FP_slomo788: Brand new devices running an older OS, never knowing when you'll get your update? that seems like it would annoy me.

As a 3G user I have to admit I was furious that they sold this device right up until the iPhone4 and then almost immediately began making the 3g obsolete. I do believe it was partially intentional, however I don't really blame them. These are phones, and the competition isn't going to slow down so you can keep your

@Enrique: There is in-app facebook and flickr publishing. The rest of your complaints are dead on.

@Ravennl: Silent Death ain't supposed to be pretty.

Shawn Bradley's campaign was doomed from the outset. While he was supported by the Tea Party, he associated "tea bagging" with athletic black men, assumed it was pro-Obama and rejected their help.

This doesn't say you have to feed your kids any healthier than you already do, personal choice still exists. It's an easier fix than you think for McD's to comply. You're kids won't give a shit as long as the toy is awesome.

@dp: Thank you. That is what I've been looking for but didn't know it.*

@Leland Rzepecki: As long as you back up via iTunes your pics and contacts will be OK. As far as the jailbroken apps, if you paid for any they can be carried over but it may require contacting the dev. It is a pain in the arse to reinstall all the cydia apps but remember you can queue them and install them all at once

@Pks29733: Because it's a device that's capable of doing whatever you want and all you have to do is jailbreak it.

@GreezyG: AT&T make no claim as to the geographical reach of it's signal nor the quality of coverage. They simply state that they cover 97% of Americans, as long as they stand in that one spot in their house, or don't drive under trees, or walk near tall buildings, or there isn't significant cloud coverage or...

@jasonkenny: I had no idea it was possible for one to hold one's own imagination. Fascinating.

@Norbs: As an iPhone owner I think the only people that would spend this much time on a Halloween costume are douches.