Starbury Sneetch

@jasonkenny: I'm observing you right now. Put that down.

@sweetgreggo: You do realize you skipped over a bunch of tech type things in order to read/complain about this story, right? And until Japan perfects the RobotBear back scratcher this is the best we can do.

why do I feel like booksellers trying to convince people to buy "real" books are very similar to record labels trying to convince us digital music is wrong? I prefer the feel of real books, but c'mon, it's time to adapt to the modern era. Print less physical copies and figure out a decent price point for digital. What

I registered for Movember last year but was too ashamed to join a local group. I eventually just grew a full beard and hoped people would check their own prostates.

add another leg and make them six day underwear and you've got a sale.

Guy who thieved the games: you snuck them out, snuck 'em back in. Pretend you left something there and drop the games off.

regardless of who took the first picture of humans (Paris or...Cincinatti?)I love these old time photos. I am fascinated by the evolution of creatures and their technology.

OMG! I have this exact same thing! growing in my yard!

I fully expected this to only be legal in the weed states. Only in rural Florida does "limited availability" mean "fuck yeah!" there's one more option to dull the pain of living in rural Florida.

@djlaser: Jeez, Will Ferrel will appear in anything these days.

They were already playing catch-up so it does seem kind of silly to take so long developing something and not include the same level of functionality as it's competitors.

Is pic number 2 The Jonathan Ames game? Good gravy, that sounds like it'd bore me to death.

@Ding-Dang: Well, most movies are a "vs." it's just not always in the title. I like when it's in the title, that way I don't have to wonder where the conflict will arise.

@Deckard: They had the good fortune of having decent preceding movies to build on.

Avatar II: Navi vs The Last Airbender

@Jon: That's one of the potential uses. Fascinating stuff. A pencil and Scotch tape may save our phones. If only they could produce a helium replacement with some Elmer's glue and a Bic.

"Ah, Hell, Let's Just Root For A Comet"