Starbury Sneetch

I have a very nice aunt with(no joke) a goatee. Does that mean her evil twin will be clean shaven?

@shooter: I posted my comment without clicking the "show all". I didn't see yours but we had the same idea. You beat me to it.

redacted for being beaten to the punch "BAM! Pow!"

@doctorwhitecoat: exactly. I wouldn't even consider a 3g tablet since I already have an unlimited data plan and tethering ability and I don't need another bill. And reading books on my iPhone is nice, but I'd like a bigger screen.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: I'm fine with image jokes, but this is a techy type of site. Eric Schmidt looks like a pedophile and yet he was only called creepy for his comments, and he runs a company that keeps all of my emails and search entries. This is a girl trying to do good. She's smarter than most commentors on here,

why all the comments on her looks?She's a fricken girl nerd. She's far better looking than Ballmer or Jobs or the other guys on here and no one mentions their appearance. I bet the mathletes love her. And when was the last time any of you sexy comedians invented anything, much less something that will benefit

I kind of like this. I would still choose iPad, but if that's an overgrown iTouch (which is OK with me) then this is a much improved eReader. The lack of access to android marketplace is a drawback, but a root to add it combined with this price makes it intriguing. Maybe 7" tablets aren't DOA.

I thought iCarly lived there. hmm. I was hoping to befriend Spencer and maybe sublet the place when he moves Carly closer to Yakima to care for their ailing grandfather.

@MJDeviant: I'm typing this on an old XP laptop (it still works fine for interwebbing). Vista almost converted me to Apple but I held out and Win7 showed up, I bought a new PC and only a better OS or the coming robot zombie apocalypse will make me switch.

@bdkennedy1002: I'm sure the people in charge over at Microsoft have an idea what the competition is doing.

@Always Winning: Clearly Jessica Simpson is in one of her "stop trying" phases. That girl is like a chameleon.

Favre Admits Voice, Denies Cock

Those tops must feature industrial strength nipple suppression technology.

@Phintastic: Unfortunately their misguided "I'd rather go naked than send cock shots" print campaign was a failure.

@UweBollocks: Oh no, it appears as though it would easily fit in most places.

too much attention is given to them being blonde twins and not enough is being given to the fact they are clearly blind. They are heroes.

the 4th one down on the left reminded me of this.

eh. if you like this sort of thing.

read this: