Starbury Sneetch

@tekdemon: We all know the Good Ol' USofA isn't everyone's favorite neocolonial empire, but China's neighbors (Vietnam, Japan, South Korea ,The Philippines) look to the US to balance the influence of China. While some obviously favor the PRC (Mayanmar, North Korea).

couldn't I just use it to hold all my totally lame, non sci-fi chic watches and doodads? Store all that junk until it's retro?

@Eggyhead85: There's obviously a lot of reasons. Despite the many claims of our government interfering in our businesses, China's gov't actually, for realsies heavily subsidizes it's manufacturing businesses giving them an unfair advantage, plus the manipulation of their currency while trying to replace the dollar as

@Intelli: Be thankful. Most Apple products cost an arm and a leg

@Settings: To be fair, the review said it's good but not as polished as iOS and most of the "like" is based on potential. I think you got out of the review what was intended. It's good, but maybe not better than Android or iOS just yet.

What if you record streaming songs with Freecorder? (Which I absolutely, definitely do not do.)That's no different than taping your fave song on FM radio(except you don't have to wait for the song to come on and hope the whacky FM DJ stops talking on time). Oh well, I'm just going to go back to making my own wax

@Zinger314: My aunt is a retired English teacher that used to correct everyone's grammar. Now that she's retired she will read my niece's "skwel wuz not kewl 2day. I'm like LMAO! 2 hz face!" and just give it a 'like'

This "article" is a Kia Sedona

My 4yr old spent some quality time playing some semi educational games on an iTouch and an iPhone, then visited on the pc. Then I played dolls with her (I only play the boys, she controls the girls and animals), she is outside right now playing on her swing set and pretend camping with her mom and when she

@egoods: Point to the one it most closely resembles

she looks like the type of woman that would ride on the back of one of these

Less publicized, the meeting between Tom Anderson and Augen CEO Gary Gofman. They split an appetizer at Chili's.

Zuck wanted to know the ideal location to have someone "lose" his secret facebook phone in order to create sufficient buzz.

I don't understand the hating on this thing. It makes a nice compliment to that Jitterbugger on the go.

How many times a week does Goodell's secretary have to put up with some NFL player "accidentally" brushing up against her with his penis.

redacted for being a shitty comment.