Starbury Sneetch
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@MaxPoint: Behind the scenes of the MF Doom, DJ Danger Mouse collabo. it was a one off.

@kbbbkk: @NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: I know a few people with blackberries that send me their BB emoticons and they are displayed via bitesms on my iPhone. No idea if they see mine, since I am an adult male and I do not send smileys nor do I "LOL" .

@�¡¡OMD!!: At least Jar Jar would have the balls to actually institute a death panel.

Perhaps they just don't want to anger or make even more powerful beings jealous seeing as how the Steinbrenners have been sucking the greasy, horned cock of Beelzebub for decades.

@pwheeler: Shiny metal ass? Are you already wearing your sexy robot costume?

With episodes I, II and III he had a conclusion he had to work up to. Then he couldn't figure out how to get there so he has Anakin kill children in attempt to save his wife and then is somehow convinced he killed her too. The only way he can deal with that grief is to...kill more people by becoming evil? WTF. No, I

@McMike: That's hot because she obviously wants it bad. Whatever IT is.

I'm just going to wear my "Sex Machine" T-shirt. Does that count? What if I also wrap the naughty bits like fancy takeout, foil swan style? Can you feel the sexy? It's getting hot in here. I better open a window.

Looks like a faith healing at one of those newfangled Rock&Roll churches. "Hey, no pressure. If you want to let the spirit of the Lord wash over you and destroy those demons within, great. Either way, we're going to the skate park later."

This is all part of ESPN's plan to give more air time to that guy that does what Kiper does but looks better doing it. Lou Holtz.

@Caturday Yet?: Get back to work. Those tables aint gonna wait themselves.

I will sleep easy knowing I can count on sheep like this

In my house right now I have a 3rd gen iPod, 2nd gen shuffle, two 3rd gen nanos, a 2nd gen iTouch (purchased with proceeds from selling a 4th gen nano) and an iPhone 3g. I slowly accumulated all these devices while actually believing I didn't like Apple. It was just so easy to use that iPod. I was so conflicted.

@LaF0urs: They are really going to have to shorten that if they expect to have their fans called their very own derisive fan boy name. Maybe a WinMoPhoPhoPhan?

@LaF0urs: If you swallow watermelon seeds a watermelon grows inside you. That's how girls get pregnant.

@zenneth: . I can not fit my hand between my rigid CRV's seats and the rigid immovable center console. Food that falls there or behind the booster seat usually stays until the next time we have a car wash weekend. Every time I find something that must've been there for months and it looks pristine I wonder "what the

@phoghat: He has to keep his mullet in check. Don't want any of that business ruining the party.

At least 2 more life sucking contracts before I can hope to get it in my next iWinMoDroidBerry?