Starbury Sneetch

@mechimike: How political. except GM was making this before the corporation failed and even the government, which isn't know for being ahead of the curve, said this thing was a full generation behind Honda and Toyota as far as technology and it was overpriced.

@bizzo98: I only want one because it's not symbian^

I 'm going to keep checking back here to see if this guy responds to all your hurtful comments.

There are hidden messages in this code directing the "IT" staff at the Pentagon to spy on the citizen's of the US. The CIIA is only one letter short of the CIA. The Bildabergers and the New World Order are putting adware on your iDoohicky and scrambling your brainwaves. Open your eyes people. []

@Asraiil: I'm in the same boat. so many cool new options out there now, can't wait to see what's available down the road. The contract ending date is like Christmas that only comes every two years but allows you to buy yourself a gift. A gift you'll love for a year until you start eagerly awaiting the early upgrade

Just Hamill's voice was a better Wolverine than all of Huge Jackass (sic).

@Asraiil: @Orvanis: Thank you. See, iOS and Android people CAN have civil discussions. And we can all agree WinMo sucks, though. Right?Huh? C'mon, look at those things. (jk, they actually look nice and they have piqued my interest as well)

This is an honest question. If android is open and the app market is unrestricted, why the need to root? I have an iPhone 3g, I know why I jailbreak. To overcome the artificial restrictions Ma Apple has placed on my device and to tweak the outdated things that came with it (It may be outdated and underpowered, but my

@OCEntertainment: I didn't mean it as an insult. HTC makes great phones. I wasn't comparing the quality, just the versatility. With beans, cheese, mystery meat and tortillas the Bell has a whole menu. And each thing is just different enough from the others to appear as something entirely different even though

@OCEntertainment: They are the Taco Bell of smartphones. Same basic ingredients used in a variety of ways.

@FlameCell: Good sir, I hardly think being able to auto-tune your farts is stupid!

@Odin: your comments had no meaning for me to analyse, and your subsequent comments indicate you have no fricken clue. I have wasted enough time on you. Your star should be revoked. I guess everyone on here that disagrees with you (which appears to be everyone) is wrong because your lame ass, ignorant comments seem to

@Odin: The commenter made a short comment stating his/her opinion.. You made a short, knee jerk, incorrect comment and then ask me to under stand what you meant not what you said. You inserted the meaning in that person's comments and are now defending your stance against an opinion that was never stated. Then you

@Odin: My insult was intended to be hypocritical, and the tab does run android which wasn't made for tablets. And we all know the extra layers of UI manufacturers add on top of android only make it better, right? I know that Google is working on tweaking it and I eagerly await that, but when a company admits their

Don't look much different than all the hideous basketball shoes released from the 90's to present.