Starbury Sneetch

@Chewbenator: every room has a different quality of stripper and there are extra layers of clothing put on them by each shift manager that prevents them from being as fun as they should be.

11-foot tall Victorian doggie mansion, features vaulted celings, hardwood floors, heating and air conditioning, hand-made curtains, pricey wallpaper, screened doors and windows, mini-blinds, and landscaping complete with a white picket fence. She’s even planning to install a plasma TV so the dogs can all watch Animal

@Fergie24: Then you are the perfect person to review this app, however this seems like exactly the kind of game you would avoid.

@RacecarBoobTat: I feel ya. I live in Florida and the only change so far is it stopped raining EVERY day, forcing me to turn the sprinklers on because the lawn is dying under the unrelenting sun.

I wonder how long it lasts. Strawberry foam forever?

this here can be ma huntin' ring.

@jdale: Ok, it's a TIE.

@jdale: you get a lot of people staring at your feet? Must be all the people you walk on. No on is as interested in you as you think they are and no one would look twice at your sneaks. And, once again, you'd have to know who Boba Fett was. CASE CLOSED. I win again.

The cool thing about these is the only people that would know these are Star Wars related just by looking at them would be people just as nerdy as you. Then you can bond over them and go share a Hot Pocket. And talk about that time you almost touched a boob.

@Lolitsgriff: Couldn't you just stop endlessly spinning the thing? jk

@alftime: what's wrong with a scenic drive down rte 1? It's not like it's in Jersey.

@masterofTHUMBS: Oh no, that guy was dead on. A visionary. I was simply referring to the "fi" part in sci-fi. It's short for fiction. Which is all lies. Except for L Ron.

I thought Sky High was a Red Man/Method Man movie. Looks like that poster would have straightened me out. Wish I had looked at it before I lit up and bought a ticket. I also shouldn't have eaten ALL that kids popcorn. Or Goobers. Or Sour Patch Kids. Damn, Sour Patch kids are good.

@brianbeatdown: As someone who has lived in a few places yet not one that anyone would consider "cool" I feel confident in telling you: There isn't anything else out there. []

This is how he'll get you to join his religion. Don't believe Sci-Fi writers. They make shit up.

@AudioGuru: This is all in the early stages. Let's see what happens before we get all worked up. From the few articles I've read on this it SEEMS like the FCC is actually trying to do this ONE thing right. Of course they'll fuck it up, but let's see what happens. besides, The big boys like Google and the rest will

@UweBollocks: It's available. I bet he'll be great in Lost Boys III

Rex Ryan - Selling the sizzle, cuz there ain't enough steak for everybody

It's as rewarding and uplifting as every other update we've done on Leaf's post-NFL career.

@Steve U: I'd like to introduce you to my friends, Robble and Robble.