Starbury Sneetch

My all your friends be real friends, all your pain be champagne, and all your progress as a human be outshone and undone by a relapse.

He stepped his game up from just grabbing the old coin purse

@brijazz: Far better than the Shriners. I'll never eat a raisin again.

@AudioGuru: In the story it says they have work to do, including setting aside frequencies used by broadway and stadiums, etc. Technology to detect and avoid frequencies that are used often and assigning a few unused frequencies to be used for wireless mics and such in low uses areas.

I outsource all my peeling to the Rotary Club.

where are they going to find enough camouflage phones?

@Pi-face: that's because you WANTED it to say that, sicko. But seriously, folks, this product does seem to have the pedophile in mind, which is why I will be boycotting this product. Join my "No Pics for Pervs" mailing list and we can fight this together.

@shahravi94: I mean children who take pictures. Of naked children.

Great for child photographers. And maybe a few grown ups too.

@See you suckers later: I live in the Jaguars market. I only get to watch good games when they're home, ya know, when the game is blacked out, but this time Fucking Tebow is ruining that for me.

@Armen Tamzarian: Ray Lewis is watching you type that and considering whether or not you smell like a champion.

@MrRainMan: I DVR low quality TV shows, so why not?

@easytochris: I had to work today (mail) when are we going to finally honor this day like it deserves? With a paid day off. If I have to work another 9/11 then the terrorists have won.

A bit more info. No offense Giz.

My first thought is this will delay updates for the soon to be released 4.1 jailbreak. But, maybe it will speed it up, what with all the technical

@RsK: well now you have both. And your boy will be staying on as a developer so He should be able to improve Cydia and we'll have the best of both (thrith? counting Apple) worlds?

Leather, pleather, suede. If you're watching this show you needs to get laid.

So, I guess the attractive people had to watch the office while these people frolicked outside?

I have a cop buddy who would always deny he had a ticket quota. Then one day, while recounting how he let my brother out of a ticket after he realized it was him, he let slip that because he let my brother off with a warning, he was one ticket short for his quota. BUSTED! then I tried to grab his gun and he tazed me.