Starbury Sneetch

They're concerned about the pictures being trapped in a digital camera? How about showing a little concern for all the souls that get trapped on film?!

I was thinking"I miss the mystery of getting a role of film developed" All the red-eye, the random elbows. You never knew what you were going to get. Then I thought "these people in this commercial probably wouldn't remember what they took with a digital camera anyway". the mystery lives on.

@Oasx: I had outdoor cats, they didn't bury anything. Then they died and I buried them. Sad.

@Justin: Good to know. Is the fruit finally listening? Their latest announcements have had a ...slightly different tone(?).

@Oasx: My dog does not shit in a tiny box in my house.My dog shits outside, where I can step in it like a man while I mow.

@dgstan: My pants are in the washer where the wife puts them when they get dirty.

I keep getting foursquare and 4chan confused, Are these the places I'm supposed to shit in the mailbox?

@Justin: only through Cydia I think. BT stack update.

@TheCrudMan: I'd totally tell every one to duck

@alex-y: I'd get me a sports almanac. And a slightly used Delorean

I couldn't watch this. I have one large dog, but the wife and kid have 3 cats. I'm sure the dog and I have one fantasy in common, one day he will be allowed to eat those useless fucking animals. Worst part? we had a cool ass cat that I actually liked but it followed our older semi cool cat across the street and got

@LieutenantDan: Meanwhile, Eli was once again put on hold for an uncomfortably long time whilst his father took a call from Peyton. All the while thinking "C'mon, Peyton, you know it's my day to talk to dad. You do this every week. Maybe I'll just hang up and make dad call me back." But he never does.

I can't wait for this thing to turn evil


No, Clippy, this time it's about you.

@Jafro: OK I lied, this is the last one. I did not send the link for presidential spending to defend Obama. Perspective. I also agreed that the executive and legislative branches are out of touch. My point to you, oh harbinger of the end times, was they have BEEN out of touch for far longer than the current

@pirateaboard001: My daughter has a nano and loves watching movies on the tiny screen on long car rides. She wants me to make her DS play movies. I can live without the camera, but having such a tiny video player is cool. we can load up "Princess and the Frog" and "UP" on her nano, throw it in her backpack for

@Jefferson Short Bus: I really thought Delonte would have had more of an impact on that young man. Only a man can raise one.