Starbury Sneetch

I hear a BB GUN is a pretty good deterrence. KEEPS THOSE BOOGER EATERS HONEST.

@Dezerus Richardson: I dunno, a flaming school bus took half my family back in '69. Ain't been the same since.

when I first heard about this I just assumed she was hit by giant robot balls.

I hope this is the normal "entitled, doucheface stage" everyone goes through as they grow up before our eyes in a failure of a fanchise's minor league system. Ya know, that ol' chestnut. Have we coined the word "instahate" yet? and can you instahate a kid who has had every adult in his life fail him?

@bailfire: stupid me is in the same boat. I was never that into phones as gadgets, I knew nothing about the iPhone life cycle or when they released new phones. I got my 3g in Dec. because I read a few reviews that basically said the 3GS was better, but not by so much that it relegated the 3g to obsolete. So I saved

I downgraded my 3G to ios 3.1.3. Re-jailbroke it, Added some multitasking, a faster camera app launcher and a bunch of other things that should slow my toy to a crawl. yet it hasn't. It's as fast as the day I bought it. My point? The 3g has always been capable of doing more than has Apple let it, and now they have

@Jafro: This will be my last comment on this. My initial comment was not based in politics. NO ONE has done enough on the alternative energy front. I only wanted to know why solar energy and electric vehicles are not more closely linked in the discussion. The discussion amongst the people like us who type our nonsense

@Jafro: Nice stats. Drudge report? Look, I wasn't being political. I didn't ask why we don't have the solar tech, I was asking why we don't demand it, why it's not seen as part of the EV solution. Which means your finger pointing response was unnecessary Both parties take turns screwing all of us, but maybe you should

@FriedPeeps: No anger here. I simply wondered why there isn't equal emphasis on alternate means of recharging EVs as there seems to be on developing EVs. Then get bombarded with excuses for it not happening. It's too hard, too expensive...I didn't actually expect a commenter to have the solutions, I know I don't have

@LazyPanda: that's what I want. I also already said that. thank you.

@Jafro: if it takes 8 years to dig a hole with heavy equipment it may take more than 2 years to fill it back in with the spoon you give the next guy.

@FriedPeeps: @djdare: so current technology isn't good enough, let's stop now. If it doesn't exist yet it probably never will.When the going get's tough, quit. There's no such thing as friends, just strangers you haven't alienated yet. When life gives you lemons, ask it why it didn't also give you sugar and water.

@FriedPeeps: @djdare: You're both right. let's give up.

@FriedPeeps: I don't know why you need a reason to make piss whiskey.

@djdare: @Platypus Man: the current, widely used technology may not be able to fully charge your car, but it would reduce the power needed from the grid. The panels are already being used on some models to a small degree ([] and some promising advances in different types of solar collecting are making

Couldn't they use solar panels (don't know if they can make them portable enough) to reduce the burden on the grid during the day? Why is solar not part of the EV dialog? Solar carports at home that store enough juice during the day to charge your EV at night (patent pending)? Thin voltaics embedded on the roof of EVs

Fran Stalinofskivitchdavitovichsky often invites them all over for makeovers and pillow fights.