Starbury Sneetch

aww man, he even made the fat white guy wear his hat backwards. Have you no shame, Joakim?

This screams "urban legend". I have a daughter, no frickin way I would grab my pliers (used to fix all manner of unhygienic nonsense) and use them to remove a toy from a place I never want to see. That's what doctors are for. Besides, can't you just blow in her mouth hard enough to force it out?Congrats on the win for

is every google post sponsored by a google device?

Then they'll make a big deal about the next nano model having a camera and video playback.

@dragos93: I thought they made the 3g damn near inoperable because they were trying to get me to upgrade, all it did was piss me off and I made it my personal quest to find the perfect combo of jailbroken apps to regain performance. It mostly worked. I'm glad they addressed it, but I still won't upgrade to ios4.1

@ignacio reyes: I'm sure they'd love to swat that damn thing so everyone has to upgrade.

@Denver: I was so there, until the video played. Back to training my Palmetto bugs.

I'll keep my small army of radio active earwigs fitted with tiny mind control helmets, thank you very much.

I bet the pilot shits marshmallows.

I live in rural Florida. My water comes from an aquifer. My septic tank has a leeching field which slowly drains into the ground. Down to the aquifer.Along with all lawn/weed/pest control chemicals. Sure there are many layers of natural filtration but the water is hard, nasty and smells like sulfur and clogs carbon

Tampa is SLOOOOWLY building a fanbase. The Sawx&Yanks have a roughly 100 yr head start. If they remain competitive it might happen. Having said that, that stadium is a shit hole in the middle of a shitty area. I haven't been back in years despite the cheap tickets and constant marketing giveaways.

install0us makes these decisions easier

@ian.nai: as a mathematician,you probably have a HUGE collection of math related tshirts. Like this one