Starbury Sneetch

She looks an awful lot like 'Melo. was there some Tony Washington action going on here?

Perfectly paired with this Tshirt

@Cianalas: Give him a break. He thought this was about Loveshaft. The epic hair metal band that briefly toured with Spinal Tap.

I'm not judging, but I bet they are not thinking about the stat line they are thinking "Tebow is six feet three and 245 pounds, all thick polygons and smooth flat planes and inescapable corn-fed handsomeness."

If an actual douche exploded and injured a woman it would also get media attention. Other douche manufacturers would try to distance themselves and try to emphasize that they clean and refresh and do not cause injury.

@AzureTexan: They're constantly rerunning my personal emails (sent to them by my impossibly hot ex girlfriend's even hotter sister that I had a fling with) about the time I picked up that beautiful hitchhiker and that time my hot new neighbor noticed my erection.

The Pirates Can't even win THIS? Only the second cheapest fan crushing franchise. They haven't even won a World Series in recent memory and the Marlins (2 since '97)still get all the press for bookcookery. Textbook definition of "can't win for losing"

If only I had any photshop skills. The things you talented mofos could have him holding. get on it.

iNeed ALL of these promised android tablets to ALL be released so iCan compare to the iPad before iPurchase one these money sucks. The iPad not running Flash (which sort of limits my interweb enjoyability) is one reason iHaven't purchased it. These 'droid tabs have been leaked and rumored for months and all seem to

@EnemaBagJones: That's one torch that would have to be sterilized

It's a life alert bracelet and various photos of his loved ones. He is in the middle of quiet contemplation, trying to figure out his place in the world and whether he's done enough for his family and what wrongs does he need to right in his short time remaining before he shuffles off this mortal coil.

@Arthur_Digby_Sellers: even though it's a fuzzy, sideways video it's still uncomfortable to watch a grown man slap a woman and demand an apology from her. In a public place. Use your words, Hip Hoppers and hoopers.

@Desi_Relaford: This pales in comparison to the other crushing loss. Dibble is also in trouble

21-Year-Old Man Accused of Playing Football Among Boys, relocated to different football league

@leviroth: I don't know, he was quick to disappoint as well.

4. Florida: I actually bear no ill will to you, Florida.