Starbury Sneetch

@AzureTexan: I just got the iPeanutButterBalls app for my ipad

You're with me, plushie

I have a feeling some of these people are wearing jerseys in order to make fun of the people that wear these jerseys to make ironic statements.

I grew up on Cunty Way

I'm going to tile my bathroom with these. maybe make a Billy Jean type walk way.

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Create a Trent Edwards that doesn't exist in this reality. It's not cheating if you rationalize it. I once created a Tom Brady with 4.2 40 speed. I just told myself he had a great off season.

I was debating the need for an iPad and I haven't purchased a madden in years. I now NEED both. beans and rice for dinner for the next few months.

A huge fan of Gizmodo, indifferent to zoology, Tim is excited to discover the Aqua Telenoid.

@Phintastic: He's like a big kid, treating his body like an amusement park.

And now, let's read the Google Voice transcript.

The fact that #82's face has melted and his tattoo is running is a sure sign they are doing it right.

The headline : Tyson Homosexual bolts to victory

still wondering why my guess, uh, thoroughly researched answer of Halle Berry was ignored? are we assuming M.Berry has no black friends? Or are we assuming his white friend wouldn't hook up with a black woman. 2002 for both Oscar and Beautiful People list and in France, uh the year... before that for ...Swordfish...I

was it out of the pocket and going across his body?

@Elizabth_Bennet: @mox: @snacktastic: @CrapCommentFromADude says Free MizJenkins: @minnesotanicer: @Descarada: I don't intend to be sexist (which means it will be sexist), but nothing seems to get women worked up like a photshopped image. I agree it promotes an unrealistic body ideal that some women (and a few

this is the onlyICE contact I'm interested in. HUH? Right, fellas. now if you'll excuse me I am bidding on a Denver Nuggets #22 Nikoloz Tskitishvili jersey.

I just ask for receipts

@wade2: This is why you should get your girlfriend empty boxes, aluminum foil, and and iTunes account?

How can a country simultaneously be ridiculously obese and obsessed with thin? Shouldn't people aspire to be thinner?