Starbury Sneetch

does it detect when a married man, so unfamiliar with being home alone, decides to celebrate this rare and fleeting bit of freedom by emerging from the post-work shower sans towel and begins stretching in front of the window, scaring the neighbors young children and leading to some awkward looks for years to come?

@Time Pilot AKA: You can sill SOUND smart by constantly talking about your e-books.

I'm looking forward to Michael Cera's role in "The Five People You Meet In Heaven". In my version he plays himself. *sigh*

The tanks represent the money and the old way of determining a player's worth. The cock represents male reproductive organs and OPS.

This photo is almost exactly how I pictured the baseball scene from the Twilight book. Slightly more stripey

Just another example of how Americans just don't get the sophisticated European sense of humor.

Clearly they are looking for a ride

His college coach was a Friar (frier, uh, baked. Cooked in some fashion, forget it)

Looking for Billy Bongavan

I googled "deadspin I-team"and this was the result: []

@Farscyde: My point was/is, this is not an iPhone article. This an android article about a minor issue that was bothering android users. the only people who constantly talk about iPhone are the fandroids. I'll be politically correct.

In Soviet Russia, er, we have a few large potholes.

I would terrorize a Popsicle stick city

@phedre89: I actually really don't want my kid getting her views on the world from pop stars, or any celebrity. I'm not even sure why I typed all that nonsense. Don't drink midweek I guess. The mind can't handle it.

@odonata: No, it wasn't really a question. There are real women, accomplishing real things in this world that make better role models. But as her parents we try to be the best role models. Corny? yup. Besides, I'm trying to get her to listen to Grizzly Bear.

@Farscyde: Boy Howdy, every article about iPhone prompts attacks by fandroids, even the ones that report negative news about the iPhone. every android article, even positive ones, prompts attacks on iPhone by the fandroids. How the fuck did all you people get your stars. A clever "I know you are but what am I"

most important part of preflight checklist when flying half a plane

@PN - goopplesoft: perhaps it is a reference to a timid housecat. You ever think of that? Not everyone is a sexist. Those bitches over @ Jez will understand a cat reference, since all women have a house full of them.