
I found the YouTube link (after the video) to the r/c Enterprise/submarine far more interesting.

Two things come to mind as I watch this.

Microsoft is a pretty smart company, so I would be surprised if they announced anything that was in direct competition with 3DS/NGP. I mean, just looking at Apple's dominance with iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, and the vast sums of money Apple's raked in off the backs of 3rd party devs on that platform...I think if we see

While I agree with the idea that success of a single company can breed discontent in a market, I tend to think that most people with any kind of problem with Steam are simply disappointed that the "new" and "revolutionary" digital download business plan is essentially the same as other business plans. Which is, to

Developers are already paying the ESRB, and they are already taking the time to cut together a video of the most controversial content. This sounds like a reduction in both cost and time for these smaller games and developers. All of which is entirely voluntary to begin with.

The argument that Steam shouldn't be run by Valve because they also create a product to sell there is a little ridiculous. It's the exact same in 90% of retailers across the US, but do they all get the same criticism?

RAM is very cheap right now, and that's at the consumer level. I can imagine MS and Sony getting even better deals simply because they can buy in bulk. While I would love to see 8 GB of high speed memory in the next generation of systems, I'd rather see 4 GB and a ridiculous front-side bus speed. Processors, GPUs,

Geez, it's just next week that it's coming out? I thought I had more time! Better make sure my tax refund can cover it....

That would require something that's actually funny though.

Peter David has written a couple of Spider-Man stories that I really enjoyed, so I'm excited about the potential!

Empire was actually the first Star Wars movie that I ever watched. I was a little confused as to what was going on at first, but I loved it. Empire wins it by a mile.

Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you read a mainstream comic book?

As quickly as they turned things around and made changes to the costume, I'm so much more hopeful for this show than I was before. It'll probably be one of those like Smallville where I won't watch it for months, then have a mini-marathon to catch up.

This. I'm gonna laugh if at some point they decide to port to WiiWare or even make an entirely new game for it.

That was awesome. Thank you.

Agreed. I really enjoyed his take on Banner in the last Hulk movie.

It's really depressing to me that they're planning on rebooting Batman *again*. Nolan's Batman films have been awesome, and they should do their best to work that version of Batman into the Justice League rather than try to rebuild the character yet again.

Is it just me, or does the head-holding guy look like Emilio Estevez?

I'm curious where you're getting your data regarding plummeting market share. Especially given that some analysts are predicting huge sales for iPhone 5.

I understand that folks in Japan might be particularly sensitive to things involving radiation at the moment, but since when does anyone have the right to not be offended? This kind of thing pisses me off more than just about anything else. If people don't want to be exposed to anything to do with radiation or