
I would buy that game in a hearbeat.

Who else wants to guess that the new security device that physically tethers the test phones to their engineers is just behind schedule?

The stereotyping is that all southerners love guns.

Yeah, it's not a perfect system for tracking. I believe the numbers have traditionally been tracked by NPD group, but I'm not sure if those statistics are shared publicly anymore.

I believe that is based on sales of video games in general, which are purchased far more by males, aged 18-34 than by any other demographic.

I don't know if that's accurate. My impression of the App Store approval process is that it's akin to accepting shipments from UPS or FedEx: you briefly look things over to make sure nothing's obviously broken, and then sign that you accepted it. Only once it's been signed for can you open it up and check out the

You're talking about the fiction being internally consistent here. For example, if we decided that in a fictional universe jello was an explosive substance, it would be odd if we were were to see someone from that universe simply eating it. But this doesn't mean that a single internal-logic inconsistency breaks

Wait, Cap's using a gun?! I know this is a war movie and all, but Steve Rogers has always been against using a gun if I remember correctly. He prefers to beat people with his fists and shield. This is a key difference between Steve and the current Captain America, who was the Winter Soldier and *not going to say

I can sort of see why this wouldn't warrant a job at 343. They aren't looking for someone who can write or create machinima, or even who understands the Halo IP - though all of those things may be desirable in a candidate. What 343 is looking for is someone to edit cinematics that their team has already created. A

Thanks for the clarification, I didn't quite get that from the article.

I'm really curious about the mechanic involved here as well. Can I just load up my old PC games on my Mac somehow? Is it a virtual machine? Do they just have an app store where I only have access to a limited few? Checked the link and the site is effectively down, so more info here would be appreciated.

You can see movement, yes. But that doesn't tell you anything about the controls. All it shows you is that whoever is playing is moving slowly. Could this be control-related? Possibly. But it could also be that the turn-speed setting is low, or perhaps the video itself was slowed down to showcase an effect or

Annalee's copy reads "1940s" while the excerpt repeatedly quotes 1960.

Obviously at some point they realized that it couldn't be done efficiently with a person controlling all four limbs and having to take a break every 15 minutes. I wonder if they ever considered having a person control just the front two for fine motor control instead. Of course, they could have scrapped the whole

This was my first thought as well. We'll see if it actually happens. Even if it were a law, I wouldn't be surprised is Apple somehow got an exemption of some kind.

I thought the same until I saw your comment. Thank you sir, you saved me some very awkward explanations at work.

Because you can totally tell what the controls are like from a video....