
Yes, please. More DLC content for singleplayer!

Thorium's the answer.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Cool if it were real, but I'm fairly confident it's not.

I'd be more interested in a Minecraft-type world that relied on the architectural physics found in the last Red Faction. The building not sagging or starting to fall apart from the lack of structural support would be annoying after a while.

It doesn't surprise me that the guy is an accountant and hasn't blown the money on something stupid.

So the hypothesis is that people who believe are often unable to to make up their own minds. The experiment is to discuss with people why they believe. But the problem is that by disclosing your hypothesis to your subjects, you've introduced a variable that you can't control. Your subjects will A) ignore the stated

How am I splitting hairs? You claim to want honest discourse about why people believe, but are dismissive from the outset by saying that "religious types are often unable" to make up their own minds. Do you seriously not see the contradiction? If you want to know why *I* believe, according to your thesis, you'd

"I think most atheists are non-believers because they critically assess the evidence (or lack thereof) and make their own mind up, something that religious types are often unable to do."

Since I'm pretty diametrically opposed to your viewpoint, I'll leave it be and not stir things up. I'd really like to know though, why the assumption that the Crusades was actually about religion? I'd be shocked if you accepted the stated reasons for the US entering the middle east in recent history (freedom? or

So people who follow a religion are largely incapable of making up their own minds? That's a gross generalization and, as a science teacher - nay as a person with half a brain, I'm sure you know better than that.

I don't think he's necessarily suggesting that people choose atheism simply because it's counter-culture. But it's certainly a gateway. If you choose to be anti-everything around you because you think those people are dumb or wrong or whatever, odds are religion is going to be part of that which you want to be

I'd like to know when anyone has *ever* been afraid to piss off Christians. Christians are the easy target when discussing religion of any kind because A) Christianity is the religion of the majority in the United States (the majority is always easiest to pick on), B) Christianity is perhaps the most visible religion

I'm with you on the N64 blue shell. Killing anyone in the way on the path towards 1st place was a big bonus.

Why is the assumption always that aliens would be more intelligent and advanced than we are? What if they simply had no self-preservation instincts and flung themselves into space on the first rocket they created?

I'm with you, Crecente. I just don't see any added value, and too many potential problems with 3D for it to be worth it.

Does anyone else struggle with the control scheme at all? I don't remember it being this difficult to adapt to on the original Xbox. Either the camera is completely reversed in every aspect, or it's not in any. I just want to invert the vertical!

All that decriminalization or legalization would do would remove the penalty for practicing prostitution. You can't argue that would inherently make it easier to regulate or safer, only that it would become more openly available, and there would be a lower barrier to entry. Those who would cross whatever imaginary

So your argument is for carefully controlled exploitation? Yeah, that seems like a good idea....

The problem with your statement is that you can't possibly know that legalization would be a benefit. The idea that exploitation only occurs because of the illegality of the profession is ridiculous.

You, sir, fail at reading. Under the section, "Happy Escort Studio", end of the third paragraph. "But it's a great idea."