
I think that sound is from the compressor he's using to blow air through it.

Is it just me, or did it throw a spark on that second test? Also, having looked at their site, all their stuff is awesome. At least as long as you have tons of disposable income.

Does anyone know if the "smart" part of the cover will be licensed to third parties? I'd like to see what cases other companies can come up with, while using the same open/on closed/off idea.

And yet he did it anyway....

How did I go from approved to now needing approval for each comment? And why can't I find the option to delete or edit a comment? Double posting FTL!

I've found that when watching TV with my family, my phone actually increases our interactions with each other, especially my mother. (It's not the tablet the article's about, I know, but bear with me.) We'll often watch a show and she'll say, "Isn't that the person from X?" inquiring if a guest star is someone we've

Nope. I enjoyed it too. Not high art or anything, but a fun popcorn flick.

I can't say with any certainty what might be different. But I know I've occasionally experienced some slowdown on my iPhone 4 - especially when running multiple apps - and I'm curious if that kind of thing might still happen. I guess my assumption is that, with the first iPad sharing the same hardware as my phone,

I can't say with any certainty what might be different. But I know I've occasionally experienced some slowdown on my iPhone 4 - especially when running multiple apps - and I'm curious if that kind of thing might still happen. I guess my assumption is that, with the first iPad sharing the same hardware as my phone,

I've seen that, actually. What I'm more interested in is a user-experience, hands-on kind of thing.

I'd love to see a head-to-head comparison of the Xoom and iPad 2. Both seem like they'd be pretty good, but I get the feeling that build quality (both software and hardware) is going to be better on iPad 2 at this point. Certainly as Android 3.0 evolves it will become better, probably besting iOS (at least until iOS

Lightpeak is Intel tech. Apple's implementation of it (Thunderbolt) uses a Mini Display Port connection to work, which Apple developed and owns. They license the tech for free, but they're still the ones who have veto power. By combining Lightpeak with the Mini Display Port, Apple's effectively made sure that no

I'm okay with this being a single-player only game. I would like to see, at some point, multiplayer in a Batman game from Rocksteady. It wouldn't even have to be competitive (although how sweet would that be?!).

Is it just me, or does it seem like the graphics have gotten something of a Wind Waker treatment since the last time we saw them? Looks like a closer blend of Twilight Princess and WW than before. Not complaining, just noticing.

They do say it'll do 720p video, which is the same as the iPhone 4. I'd bet that means it's the same camera.

I believe the Thunderbolt port is proprietary to Apple as well, so I don't think that's the reason. More likely they didn't want to have to increase the bus speed to handle that level of input. If the bus speed weren't high enough, Thunderbolt wouldn't appear any faster than USB, and there's no way they want their

This. +1 internets to you, sir.

No, a better idea would be to realize he's a human being, just as fallible as anyone here. Even if he's a truly bad guy, is he deserving of your hate? Because if he is, well I guess he's got more control over your emotions than you do.

A pick hammer would have been a far better tool.

So you're a little better than an animal because you don't actively go out and try to kill him?