
Wanting someone to die is ugly.

Yeah, my bad. Tried the mouse thing once, they wound up losing or not using them that much. Then when we didn't issue them the next time around, suddenly classroom mice were going missing.... School tech support is an interesting beast.

They've all got last year's MBP with Apple trackpad, and we've got OS maintenance on the laptops for another couple years.

Which is great if the user knows how to make the most of their input device. The group that I support though is not exactly the most tech-savvy.

That's kind of where I'm at right now. I figure, I've let the app ecosystem build itself up like I wanted, and the FaceTime camera will almost certainly be there like I wanted. So anything else that's cool will just be icing on the cake.

For my own personal use, I could easily do without the scroll bars. As someone who supports dozens of teachers who still don't know you can use more than one finger on the mouse, please tell me scroll bars can be re-activated!

I agree. This kind of stuff has a place, and it's not here. Seems like Giz will publish anything these days with a tenuous link to technology - especially if it's in-line with their biases.

I was planning on purchasing iPad 2 almost as soon as iPad 1 was released, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's announced. However, if rumors that iPad 2 is more like 1.5, and a release of iPad 3 happens in September...I'm gonna be really disappointed.

So based on the comments here, is it safe to assume I'm the only one here who enjoys the Star Wars novels? Because I'm looking forward to the next one in the Fate of the Jedi series in May.

I'm not saying that WBC shouldn't have a reasonable expectation of the response to their acts. It would be ridiculous if they didn't. And as you've pointed out, this kind of response was probably their end-goal to begin with when they started calling out Anon. I just find it annoying and ironic when people applaud

I realize that there are many examples of cities built on top of older ones, but I don't think there's yet been a city that began construction underneath an existing, still occupied city. Building on top of something, you can at least to some degree assess the structural strength and supports. Building under, you're

Just because you disagree with the content of the website that was taken down doesn't make this any more legal or less suppressive. The content is completely immaterial, actually. It could be kiddie porn or just kitties. The hack itself is still illegal and in violation of freedom of speech.

This almost seems like a disaster waiting to happen. What happens when an accident happens below the city? I can just imagine the headlines detailing a collapse that destroys parts of the city.

As much as I think WBC is off their rocker, they've got the same first amendment rights as anyone else in the US. Applauding the intolerance of the intolerant is ironic.

It was probably just some up-and-coming punk at Coke that came up with it.

Great trailer. They're doing a fantastic job of increasing excitement with each new trailer.

I would really like to know how Reynolds is reaching tens of billions of players.

I love this kind of stuff. More of this should be posted on io9.

By turning video game consoles into the equivalent of VHS or DVD players, brand loses any importance. Certain brands will retain an air of quality, but if in reality all are functionally the same, then the cheapest one will be purchased more often than not. No company wants to give up brand loyalty and recognition,

If this game's as good as the trailer from a while back made it look, this is just icing on the cake. If not, no amount of this kind of sweetener is going to change the taste of a pile of crap.