
I didn't have a problem with aiming. How about a DLC patch that fixes Elena's eyes? Make her look like she did before.

The Forge Boss in the first Elite Force is probably the only boss fight that I've found truly frustrating. There was no indication whatsoever about what to do, or if what you were doing was having any effect.

Changed! The original picture was from behind Drake, in one of the canal/ruins areas mid-late in the first game.

That picture is from Uncharted 1, not Uncharted 2.

Totally agree. Whedon's best work has always been with an ensemble cast, which is why I'm really looking forward to what he does with Avengers. Double star for you.

I'm just curious, why do you assume color refers to the skin tone of the actors? I immediately thought of the fairly-prevalent muted colors found in Buffy, Angel, and Firefly. I mean, (and I mean this in the nicest way possible, because I really like these shows) everything is brown! There's very little actual

Wait, Armageddon came out? I thought that was still in development.

Just saw the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. Definitely one of Marvel's best. I might even pay to see it again in the theater. At the very least, this is going in my blu-ray collection as soon as possible.

I think the thing that you seem to be confusing (as most do here who are making similar comments) is that while most of the population of the United States does indeed claim to be Christian, that percentage goes way, way down when you poll groups involved in arts and entertainment. It's not a "oh no, I'm a Christian

El Shaddai isn't really a Christian game. It's based on the apocryphal (read: not part of the commonly accepted Bible) Book of Enoch.

This. I purchased Bejeweled 2 on my iPhone and love it, but I really want to play the third game on my iPad.

If we're going to nay-say a game based on it's pre-rendered CG trailer, then World of Warcraft should be the first in line.

Haha! My first thought on seeing the picture was what a bitch it was setting up under that ferris wheel on Veteran.

Not that you must play WoW, but I'd suggest that the "awful" community is really only a matter of perspective. Different servers have different personalities, and the same goes for guilds. Have you tried changing those? Regardless of what game you play, or what server, you will run into those who troll just for the

"...with no word yet as of pricing."

I suppose I should specify, I'm referring to the storyline portion of the game. Multiplayer is indeed fun, but it sounds like Newell is talking about somehow making every game from here out multiplayer on some level.

As long as it's optional, I'm okay with it I think. The Half-Life series has always been a solo experience, and I'd prefer to keep it that way.

Video said it was R/C. Based on the water jet engine that looked to be mounted on the rear, I'd say that's accurate.

Needs Master Sword, Frostmourne, Anduril, and the Sword of Truth.

I would argue that psychological addiction can actually result in physical symptoms as well. It's like the placebo effect, but in reverse. While it may be accurate to say (and I don't know, I haven't looked at any research) that stopping usage of marijuana has no direct physical reaction, the indirect physical