
All meditation is really just the focusing of the mind exclusively on a specific subject, be that the "nothingness" that the term generally conjures up, or anything of one's choosing. Which means that meditation itself is not the beneficial element in this study, but the focus of the meditation itself.

I was quietly beginning to think this reboot would be halfway decent until this picture. Thank you Sony for resetting my expectations to "suck".

Seriously, what's with all the Edison hate? It's like the guy raped your sister after prostituting your mom.

As much as I love Raven, I'm not wild about this idea. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

How weird would it be if it blew almost 638 years ago, so the light would coincide with the Mayan/2012 end of the world?

As much as I admire and applaud this team's creativity, I hope that Blizzard makes them stop shortly. I can't imagine Blizz letting the community make a game that they already had planned.

@Artifex: I honestly hadn't thought about a higher-res screen being due to iPhone 4's Retina display, though it makes perfect sense.

They're making Angel a girl? Was this common knowledge up to now and I just missed it?

I was planning on buying a 2nd gen iPad as soon as the first was revealed. This is why.

I hope you don't have to play as this guy. I was looking forward to creating my own, entirely unique mutant.

Dear God,

I know the bottom image is supposed to be concept art for StarCraft, but it also looks eerily like a landscape shot of Silithus in World of Warcraft. Which makes me wonder if there's supposed to be some connection between the two games.

Hey, as long as I can render giant crabs on the thing, I'll be happy.

@hightechredneck: Yeah, because a guy with that many secrets is going to trust them all to a company with a questionable privacy history. :P

What would Batman's OS of choice be, if these are all villains?

I've heard good things about Southwest several times. This just reinforces that good word. Way to go Southwest!

This actually looks pretty sweet. I was not expecting that.

I know attractiveness is subjective, but isn't there also some science that says "the most attractive people have X in common"? Symmetry, proportion, something like that I thought.

@Nitesh: Agreed. Although I wonder, if I think she's sexy, but have seen her "acting", does that mean my evaluation of her attractiveness is closer to the middle?

How much you wanna bet someone's now going to make a website that let's you click a button to join Al-Qaeda? No?