
Are the other women meant to be some version of Zelda? I've never seen one that looked like that.

Sweet video. I swear I've seen that girl somewhere before though. Anyone know who she is?

@DukeOfPwn: Enslaved was one of the most memorable games of 2010 for me. The relationship between the characters, and the beautiful post-apocalyptic world that wasn't stuck in greyscale...perfect.

I love Enslaved. The scene you captured there shows just how awesome it can be. I have to play that again now.

@0rion: Not quite. If every purchase was with a US company that could then be charged the taxes, that would work. But if anyone ever bought anything from an international seller, those taxes would be lost. So in order to identify taxable spending, you have to identify the purchaser.

@RDRR: Ha. Unintentional pun! But yeah, you're absolutely right. Taxpayer funded effort to get taxed more. That sounds like something I want....

My money's on this being the first step towards an internet sales tax. After all, if you can't be sure who bought what, how can you tax them?

@Aeno: This assumes that the national ID the government is referring to would only sign into government sites, which I believe is incorrect. I think the Obama administration is looking for a single-sign-in for all websites in the country.

@gstar: Clearly you've never faceplanted on asphalt.

@mxte: I sometimes wonder of Blizzard doesn't base dungeon layouts on existing cave systems like this one. It would almost make sense in this instance.

This totally explains why Robin Hood was always able to escape the sheriff.

Funny stuff. I just wish they'd translated more of what the kids said.

This would be great for home, but if it's going to be out in the public, it has to be everywhere. Otherwise you'll get the real-life trolls who park their gas-powered vehicles in these spots just to aggravate people.

@Baxis-V: If I based my entire view of Christianity on this guy's experience, I'd have to agree. But - and this is based solely on Mr. Zeller's description - it sounds like these folks calling themselves Christian was about as accurate as you calling yourself a turnip.

@ohsosaucy: "At the same time, I also believe it's selfish of us to hold anyone back of what they desire."

@TwiceDead: I kind of figured as much, but I was holding out hope anyway. Thanks for killing that hope. :P

Pre-ordered. I just hope the option is there to watch the old version or the special edition.