
BG&E is one of those I'll buy again as soon as it drops. Torchlight looks interesting, but I'll have to try before I buy that one.

@stifflittlefinger: If by "brilliant" you mean "freakin' weird", I totally agree. The whole stop-motion, mobile graffiti thing is clever. But that doesn't make it any less bizarre.

@CrazyLegz: You might be on to something, but the likelihood of all of these animals dying at the same time would seem to indicate something else.

@DouchieSnacks: Israel's one of those places that is too divisive to count on human survival instincts.

I've actually been thinking about designing and building my own lightsaber hilt for display. This just might push me over the edge to do it.

@lazyhermit: I envy your grasp of the obvious. :P

I rarely bring my lunch to work in anything other than an easily disposed of bag. It's just too easy for me to forget to bring something like that home at the end of the day, causing me to either A) go out to eat for lunch the next day or B) skip lunch altogether. One's no good for my wallet, the other's no good for

@lazy.Lemming: Agreed! Every time I see that, I can't help but think that Sony can't live up to the potential of that shot.

@gigawings: Right, but none of those things are inherently sick. Certainly there are sick individuals in the military, just like there are sick people in any profession. That doesn't make the statement "the life of an accountant a sick thrill" an accurate one.

Why is living the life of a soldier a sick thrill?

I don't believe a thing that comes out of Kaz Hirai's mouth. He just has no credibility with me.

As much as I'd like to take West and Zampella's side in this argument, these allegations are mighty specifc. I can't imagine Activision making these kinds of detailed claims and not being able to back them up somehow.

@Firescorpio1: I've got Red Dead, but I haven't played more than probably half a dozen hours of it. I dunno, it just doesn't grab me. It's impressive technically, and the visuals are quite nice, but there's no soul to the game like there is with Enslaved, if that makes sense.

@Rod_Z: I played a demo of it before I had a PS3. I didn't really care for it, to be honest. It felt too much like a God of War clone to me, and I'm not a big fan of God of War to begin with.

@zross312: I would think he's referring to the FCC. Given their current plan of action, seems pretty accurate if you ask me.

When I was a kid the arcade had the 6-player cabinet. My brothers and I played the heck out of that thing. Only now do I realize how rare that cabinet was.

@Firescorpio1: I paid $60 for it and I don't regret it. Enslaved is my sleeper GOTY. It had some technical issues, and combat got a little repetitive and sometimes frustrating, but the characters - brought to life by amazing voice acting and animation - are I think the best of this year. You can't help but have an

@Charlie Jane Anders: The "Avatar" thing itself isn't that interesting to me though. It's just a vehicle for the "dances with wolves" story, IMO.