
@Charlie Jane Anders: I wouldn't say I hate Avatar. I think it's unoriginal and uninteresting, which in my mind is about as far as you can get from "nearly perfect movie" - hence the comment.

I was all set to be disappointed that Tron was no good, trusting that the review was accurate (even though I didn't read most of it to avoid spoilers). Then I saw, "I called Avatar a 'nearly perfect movie'" and realized that you and I *completely* disagree, Charlie.

If they don't provide an actual ending to the show, I will be really pissed.

In 20 years when she's old and dying from cancer, she's going to recall this moment and blame the lasers.

@TanyaRei: The song is "Highway to the Danger Zone" or "Danger Zone" unless I'm missing some terrible cover.

@Goof_Troop: This is Ebert we're talking about. His opinion usually is the reverse of mine and most of the people I know.

I hide my SSID both for some small measure of security, and so that people don't just ask if they can use the network.

@owen-magnetic: Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what Ford said, but I thought that was precisely what he was talking about - that basically, as we acquire more things, we become less moral. That certainly seems to apply to those you mention.

What do you get if you connect a bunch of vuvuzelas to air horns?

That video was surprisingly devoid of wisecracks, given the subject. Kudos to them.

@Ralph: Actually, I thought Anakin's decent into darkness made perfect sense. He loses his mother because he's busy training with the Jedi, goes crazy on the sandpeople that did it, and it feels good. He's having these nightmares that Padme's gonna die, and he doesn't want the Jedi to hold him back from saving her.

@DeadlyForceInstructor: Actually, that sounds like a brilliant solution. Why hasn't this already been implemented?

I'm hoping Ahsoka's change is in the last episode of the season or something. We haven't seen enough of a slide into darkness for it to be believable if she's a Sith on January 7th.

I would love to know what's happening with the old Predators once they are completely phased out. I can just imagine setting up my own "command center" in the basement and flying on of these things.

@kayakj: Actually, I think UPS and Fedex only count as delivery services. I think the federal crime thing only applies if it occurs while in the care of the federal government.

As cool as this is, the Nano watch would really only duplicate some of the functionality of my iPhone, which is in my pocket all the time anyway. I have no need for this.

I'll believe it when he's lived the rest of his life HIV free. It wouldn't surprise me at all if HIV is similar to cancer in that it can't be detected, but is still there lurking.

@WFROSE: True, but there's a difference between "unbelievable, funny side character" and "unbelievable, funny character in your face all the time."