
I'm hoping this really does turn out to be as good as the first, but I'm not hopeful. The problem with a character like Jack is that you get too much of him, and it becomes unbelievable. A whole movie focusing the character? I dunno....

I loved that movie as a kid. Then I watched it again a few years ago and couldn't remember why. Cult, cheesy, young versions of today's stars - it has all the ingredients for something I'd love, and yet....

@Scarbane: Point. But the term "explode" conjures to mind images of mass coronal ejections and the like. Not roiling waves of thermal energy.

There's less exploding than I was lead to believe.

Sudo give me one. Please?

Wow, that's pretty impressive. I never learned to multiply numbers like that, but I can see how it'd be handy!

Can you tell us when exactly this happened? Because I saw the tweets on Gizmodo's feed crowing about the hack and had my password changed within a few minutes, but I don't want to have changed it (and all my other passwords) prematurely.

How likely is this to happen again? If there's a group that's actively trying to bring down Gawker and hack it's users, have they stopped?

The Mona Lisa is one of those things that, I think, should remain a mystery. C'mon science, you don't have to suck *all* the mystery out of the universe!

I don't think it's truly been rebooted until this title. The other games you mention have been redesigns at best, but they all take place in the same continuity, with the same character.

I watched it, but only because I wanted to see the trailers. I should have just waited for them all to show up online. Then I wouldn't have had to sit through some terribly un-funny people tell jokes that they thought were hilarious.

That is the coolest piece of video game related hardware I've ever seen.

Kudos to EA and Microsoft for stepping up to take care of these kids. Way to go Kotaku for inspiring people to action!

@fryhole: Good advice. And while that addresses the "who says they are...?" bit, there still innumerable variables that they didn't account for.

There are so many factors that they seemingly didn't even take into account though, that this study seems more like a waste than any evidence of anything.

Ha! I love the Battlestar Bears.

Sounds like it wouldn't even change the current production process for batteries all that much. Hopefully that's the case, otherwise I don't see this kind of thing taking off like it should.

Google knows how to poke a little fun, at least. Too bad Chrome OS isn't a very good joke.

You could at the very least get the senior discount without being questioned.

I get that there's seams in the world that can be exploited, but the game's clearly been modded - the text on the portal gun shouldn't exist. Some of the other stuff looks a little too "convenient" also, so who's to say how much the whole game's been modded?