
@isuee94: Agreed. One thing I like about the apps though are the offline content options.

My brother carved this one this year.

The Zelda one if probably the best I've seen of someone replicating that costume. Congrats to her!

I realize there's tremendous difference between a rover like Spirit and just about anything else in the space program, but this is seriously the model that we need to build off of - built to complete a task, built well enough to go beyond it.

@duckyvoodoo: I'd say that this is most certainly not limited to the Right - the ACORN scandal suggests that the Left is also desperate for votes and just looking for bodies.

@Heriloke: I get what you're saying, and I agree for the most part. Any reasoning person should be able to divorce the actor from the character - and I can if I try. But I prefer to not have to work at believing a performance on any level. So I just tend to avoid seeing actors as anything other than a blank slate.

@duckyvoodoo: Flip it around and see if you still think so: if all it took to get the vote out against [something that you support] was a pretty face and a few words - not an intelligent and well reasoned argument against it, not people who actually believe [something you support] is a bad idea, just bodies to pull a

All I'm seeing here are reasons to buy a 5970....

@BobbyPeru: I'd say that Burton's Catwoman was well done for the world she lived in, but wasn't really true to the character other than having a thing for Batman.

Since I lost my father a few years ago, every one of these kinds of stories brought new perspective and a fresh ache to my heart. But I can't think of one that has ever helped me to better understand my own emotions about the whole situation. The best of these stories has re-opened a painful chapter of my life, and

@Willravel: True, but there's a difference between skin-tight and totally armored and skin-tight solely for the eye-candy effect. While the latter is fun, it just doesn't make sense in Nolan's world where everything is pretty functional.

Nolan likes to tackle challenges I think, and what greater challenge than Catwoman after all the terrible takes on the character? I'm voting for Catwoman, but more of an understated master thief type than anything else. Skintight outfits wouldn't be bad, but we're going for more realism with Nolan's movies, right?

@Heriloke: No doubt that this kind of thing humanizes an actor and, depending on your political preference, makes them more empathetic. But choosing to publicly support a specific party has, for me anyway, the effect of searing that perception of the actor into my mind. Which is great because that's what they're

Amusing, but this kind of biased stuff always ruins actors in my eyes. Great that they are more interested in the world around them than the lazy schlub they are targeting (the non-voter), but trading on their popularity and/or appearance for a particular political agenda reeks of desperation to me.

@crosis101: I would swear I heard it somewhere in-game, but I couldn't pinpoint where. This is the best source I've got right now, but I'll keep an eye out for anything more definitive (though it does link to Bungie stuff talking about III's).

@crosis101: Jorge was the only Spartan II. The rest were III's.

@flawl3ss: I did Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, and Dragonblight to completion (achievement and everything) and I was done. Mind you, I'd run the daily dungeon and occasionally a few more, so YMMV.

@crosis101: That's what Reach was for. :D

@sighing: I leveled my first toon to 80 just recently, anticipating Cataclysm after talking with some friends. 0-80 in 13 days of playtime, probably two and a half months in real time. Most of this was in the kind of 2-3 hour sessions you're talking about, but there were a few all-day sessions as well.