
@1WordUp: I really enjoyed the Mass Effect novels. I'd recommend either of them, though that could just be the fanboy in me too. The StarCraft Ghost novel was also interesting.

Seriously awesome art. Were I not already a fan of the universe, this would still catch my eye at the book store.

I'm looking at doing this for my mother since she could use the extra money not paying a cable bill would bring, but I'm having a hard time. She needs simple, and she refuses to watch anything on a computer screen so it needs to be connected to the TV. I was thinking AppleTV would solve the simple part, but there's

Wow, the one chick looks almost like the Demon Hunter that Blizz debuted. Coincidence?

List me among those impressed. If they couldn't get Fox to do it, at least they got someone like AJ!

I can't be the only one to see the top image and think "Zombie Pac-Man world!" can I?

Really glad to hear the WP7 is holding it's own against the other big names. Sounds like a lot of potential, which I hope MS can deliver on. If not, at least WP7 shows that they are willing to listen and learn on some level.

@mtfmuffins: I'm with you - I'd much rather see what I'm touching than have to mentally translate that touching the trackpad in this way means I'm touching the screen that way.

This just makes me miss Brandon Lee all the more.

@willcraft: No, clearly it's because the food dissolves after 4 hours. Weren't you paying attention to the video?!

@Spaceknight: I was wondering the same thing. They look very similar at least.

Looks weird. But then, an alien battery from outer space probably would....

How awesome that someone who can develop such a device can also not take himself too seriously and create something like the Super Soaker!

@KallMeKate: Haha! That's awesome. Did you have the gun taped/glued to your hand? It'd be too easy to let it go flying otherwise.

This making of video shows it's very possible to translate the Halo series to film, if not easy.

@kallmekate: Impressive! Did you make that?

@Chinpokomon: Ha! I hadn't seen that yet. I like it!

I still don't get why no custom text tones. Surely Apple could monetize that as well.